Well theres your problem. MAX_PATCHES
http://dplogin.com/forums/index.php?topic=13055.0COMPILING ERRORS
Reason: Map to complex for rad
STEP 1: First things first. Be honest. If you had a leak and took the lazy way out by putting a huge box around your map, you need to get rid of the box and find/ fix the leak. Although this may take some time in a more large map, it is necessary to make sure there are no leaks and no corner cuts. If this doesn't apply to you or if you are still getting the error after getting rid of the box and leaks, goto step 2.
STEP 2: If you have a lot of open areas in your map, you will likely get this error. You should try to avoid open areas because the brush's textures are big and 'patch hungry.' To make these brush's more usable, you will need to scale the textures up. You shouldn't scale a texture more then 100 due to the fact that any detail on the original texture is now just a blur. Scaling the textures up will show less detail and use less ram, but, the scaled up texture will use less patches. If you have any 'invisible' brushes in your map, you can scale them over 100 because you can't see them in-game.
STEP 3: If you still continue to have the error, simply put, your brushwork is too complex for the compiler. If you have barrels in your map, make sure they are only 8 sided. The more sides on the barrel, the higher your r_speeds and your numportals will be which is not good. If you still have the error with 8 sided barrels, select all of your barrels, crates, staircases, and other filler objects and push the 's' key while all of the objects are still selected. Now check off 'Detail' and click the 'Add contents' and the 'Set contents' button. Now that your total numportals are a drastically smaller number, recompile your map. If you still get the error, make your brushwork less complex and make sure you don't have any brushes 'inside' other brushes. Over lapping brushes are no good.