I have a Q about admins who gives out admin rights on servers? Cause today I have heard a lot of admins (so they say admins) saying that they are going to ban you (not me other people) for not shuting up. And I think banning guys/girls is a really bad thing unless they are caught cheating. I was in a mod where banning forever was happing everyday. The maker of the mod (well the guy that took it over) would ban people just cause he did not like their names or speaking their minds, and it caused a lot of ppl to leave and quit the mod. The mod went from about 120 peeps (it was a huge q2 mod (gloom from the makers of jailbreak)) and now it’s about 30 people still playing it. So I think banning people for things other then cheating is a bad thing cause it will cause a lot of people to leave the game altogether. More on the lines cause we only have like 6 servers and 3 main ones and if you get banned from one of the main ones (I think) you get banned from all of them. So if you get banned from one you are for the most part banned from the game in gen.
Sorry for the long post but its just my rant of the moment.