Author Topic: GRaFFiTi Admin Abuse  (Read 28537 times)


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #120 on: February 21, 2005, 11:02:48 PM »
lol hobo , what he failed to mention was we were apart of "admin abuse" on apex as well ,  oh well nite nite

 Naw just trying to be fair,logical and understand other peoples point of views. I am sure you can respect that :)



  • VM-68
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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #121 on: February 22, 2005, 07:34:26 AM »
The first part, I was explaining "Why" i said what i did about GT.
And to apologize.

The rest was just awareness of something people dont usually think about before they use words, or actions in an certain manner. It's like, going upto someone, and just saying, GET THE intercourse OUT OF HERE, just because you dont like them. Or walking upto someone you dont know, you dont like their shoes, so you punch them in the face. Yes, it might just be the internet, but it could seriously harm someone who is already in depression or clearly approaching it. It could actually push them into it to some extent. When I mean kicking people and viewgibbing that happens. I should have stated that I meant doing it for the hell of it, because someone feels the need to, or they are bored. But clearly, has no good excuse to at all.

I guess I should have been more clear. Admin abuse is everywhere, in everygame that its possible. It has happend on every server dp has had at one point or another. As i stated, apex has had admin abuse also. Im not denying that one bit. But it isnt nearly as frequent as it happens anywhere else, or i dont hear people complaining about it like I do about other places.

This will be my final and last post on this. Just thought I should turn it around with something positive that has meaning. Besides sitting here, and flaming the hell out of Snipen. That has already been done to extremes and apparently had no affect of change. Maybe it made it worse, who knows. But I hope he reads this and thinks about it from someone else's point of view than his own.

And everyone flaming loial for posting too much.
Loial is the shiznit. Atleast someone likes to hear both sides of the stories before jumping to conclusions. Loial and Sharon are on the same level.. and i have HUGE amounts of respect for them. And I always will.



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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #122 on: February 22, 2005, 04:31:48 PM »
Errr, how come it's ok for a member of GT to "try" hacks on a public server? Dye32 was speedhacking, then denied it, then got caught, then said "i was trying it"...hardly setting a good example is it?


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #123 on: February 22, 2005, 04:47:08 PM »
i said "wat speed" sarcastically.  but i did say i tried it n then deleted it bc it made my comp froze.  I got it from RedxKing. Yes it was the only hack i hav ever tried n it is the last. So i admit it . I used a Hack Big Deal  first and last. Like no1 else has tried a hack b4. Newayz  A member of GT said that he catches me again i will be  banned n kicked from the server.  He did tell me to turn it off so i did. n thats when my computer froze. 
« Last Edit: February 22, 2005, 04:51:43 PM by Dye32 »


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #124 on: February 22, 2005, 07:49:31 PM »
Dear Dye its ez mmmk?

Problem number 1 "I got it from RedxKing"
AWHAAAA (big of you to admit)
Why try on a public server with people playing (curious) you had to have known someone would booger. Best thing for you to do is find a empty server and try them there, otherwise you know the results, BAD!

Problem number 2 "Like no1 else has tried a hack b4" I am not as motivated/smart enough to hack lke you younglings are and btw poor cop-out.  :)

Problem number 3  Newbie be kind enough and log in with you DP name just courtious, when nameing names. This is America.

Problem number 4  GT again is not the main focus of this topic, but cheating and admin abuse is . Please be fair to GT(er's) arnchange the topic name to "Cheats r'us and Abusive Admins" . This thread is a great way to complain about and explain cheating and admin/player abuse but it does not do some of the outstanding non cheating/admin abusing members of [GT] Sharon first and foremost any justice at all Jitspoe.

XILE Thank you sir.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2005, 07:51:22 PM by loial21 »


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Re: GRaFFiTi Admin Abuse
« Reply #125 on: February 22, 2005, 10:16:32 PM »
Thanks Jitspoe for the change, long over due.

However again i must point out its not just GraFFiti that abuse admins (lol what ever) or cheats. 

Do we have an official complaint topic for online dp abuses and cheats???  If so you need to make them start to use it not this thread.

This topic should be for people who want to make complaints/appeal ban's etc to the Admin about what happened and suggestions how to correct this. Not to vent your fustrations.
   Snipen i dont care what you do while your admining/gaming (because I own you) just keep the server from shuting down and dont ever stop being the HUGE ice hole that you are  >:(  because you are!!!

lots of love
« Last Edit: February 22, 2005, 10:43:22 PM by loial21 »


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Re: GRaFFiTi Admin Abuse
« Reply #126 on: February 22, 2005, 11:42:36 PM »
You can start whatever topic you want.  If you want to start a complaints thread, then start a complaints thread.


  • PGP
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Re: GRaFFiTi Admin Abuse
« Reply #127 on: February 23, 2005, 05:58:51 AM »
 jits, the complaint is over, it was only a 1-time thing. why continue? Its only a game. The game is not your life.

newbie, jus let it go and why are you making a big deal out a 1 time.


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Re: GRaFFiTi Admin Abuse
« Reply #128 on: February 23, 2005, 09:52:33 AM »
Dye32 did request permission to test the hack, and continued to use them when denied (because he's an idiot like that). However previously in a server someone asked me for permission to test a speed hack so I let them try it out for a couple rounds. No harm was done and the person merely went to and from their base a couple times (without touching the flag or killing).
"Problem number 3  Newbie be kind enough and log in with you DP name just courtious, when nameing names. This is America."
No it's not... this is England. Don't be so narrow-minded.


  • VM-68
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Re: GRaFFiTi Admin Abuse
« Reply #129 on: February 23, 2005, 07:54:18 PM »
lol ur so british taiji  ;D


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Re: GRaFFiTi Admin Abuse
« Reply #130 on: February 23, 2005, 09:40:59 PM »
It's been a while since I've been here and Wow Jitspoe how fair is it that you make a special subject folder for "GRaFFiTTi Admin Abuse" and then carelessley cram the "GT are teh lame asses" and "GRaFFiTTi Admin Abuse" posts together like this.  It would seem AGAIN to me that you purposely trying to put down our servers and play sides.  It's also VERYunorganized and hard to understand what is being discussed with the way you have it here.

You guys once complained about the content of one of my posts on here back when I was being accused of being a hack as being childish and something of a disgrace to this forum and the DP community ect... Now look at alot of the posts you've been allowing through just these two posted topics alone.  The topic "GT are teh lame asses" alone should have been stricken. Do you condone Name calling and clan bashing on your Forums???  Then posts like Krazie's incident about PGPing... his whole post full of cussing ranting ect...  there should be simple rules of respect for ALL people of the DP community on this forum.

While we're talking about admin abuse I visited the APEX servers on 2 different days...  Everyone seemed to be enjoying DP as always then Herb, whom I would have never expected to act this way, started saying "whose spiking me out?"  Not sure what that means but It sounds likke a ping attack or something.  Anyway, he kicked me two times in a row that day  without warning and when I asked him why he never gave an answer.  He left the server about 5 minutes after that. The next day or so later I went on there again.  5 or so people including myself were playing, everything seemed fine, then all of a sudden Herb started in again with the "whose spiking me" questions.  This time he just mass kicked everyone.  I will say that is the first time I've ever had a problem on APEX servers but of course I don't go there that often either.

I'll also say that I've been playing on the GRaFFiTi servers regularly and the so called abuse has slimmed down to virtually non existant.  NOT totally gone but much better controlled.  ALL admin passwords were changed and to my knowledge, very few even have admin passwords or even map changing abilities.  In final, the present GRaFFiTi ADMIN has made a great effort to make the servers more enjoyable for everyone in the DP community.  I've heard very few complaints personally.   Anyway, I'm not wanting to start any trouble here, I'd just like to see a little bit better organization and control here.  EVERYONE should be trying to make DP more enjoyable for one another rather than seemingly pitting one against the other, bickering, and whining about every little thing they can think of. 

PiCaSSo  ;D


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Re: GRaFFiTi Admin Abuse
« Reply #131 on: February 23, 2005, 10:21:46 PM »
I've been reading a few more of these posts, mainly Xile's 3 latest and I must confess, I was told the things you were saying were directed at me...  I became very angry at you and ranted like your proclaimed 12 year old.  For that I apologize.  I also think your a stand-up man to sincerely be concerned about others as you've displayed with your posts.  I'm sorry you were view gibbed and of course don't condone it especially when we're really trying to make things better on the servers.  I still say that things have greatly improved compared to what they were in the past. 

PiCaSSo  ;D


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Re: GRaFFiTi Admin Abuse
« Reply #132 on: February 23, 2005, 11:13:39 PM »
You can start whatever topic you want. If you want to start a complaints thread, then start a complaints thread.

I'ts not what topic I want to start that matters to me.

 Jitspoe its about being fair and trying to STOP all the stop childish bashing that is turning people away from your game and this forum. And you know this, do something.

Where is all the old poster(s)?  ???
What happened to all the full servers?  ???

 You should step up and create a new board of complaints that have posts of merit and start enforceing hurtful comments.  >:(

 I know that your busy but comon delegate sum athorita and keep this fourm and game clean of Bullies. Like me  8)