Try this:
Run sysdm.cpl and go to Advanced > Startup and Recovery, take the check out of automatically restart if it is there, and select "small memory dump" for the dump type. The location to store these shoutld be %SystemRoot%\Minidump
This might point us to a 3rd party driver causing the error, if one exists for it.
You might also want to use Driver Verifier to look for a faulty driver:
Windows has a built in driver tester that may find something.
Before using it you must ensure that you can start in Safe Mode and return from it. If verifier issues a STOP screen, rebooting in Safe Mode is the only way to reset it.
It its default configuration verifier tests "unsigned" drivers; I'd try that first. But you can take the more advanced "developer" options and have it test all drivers under maximum conditions.
There's less to it than meets the eye in this MS article:;en-us;244617To run verifier simply go to Start > run and enter:
and select "standard configuration" and follow the prompts.
It will run on the next reboot. If it finds something you will get a Blue Screen STOP message.
Ignore the STOP parameters -- they are specific to verifier. The only thing important is the driver file name if it finds one.
If you get a STOP screen you will have to reboot to Safe Mode and run verifier again and have it "delete existing settings"
If you do not get a STOP message you can run it again checking all drivers; driver verifier will continue to run on every boot up until you run:
verifier /reset
or use the graphical interface to delete existing settings.