I recently decided that I was am going to dedicate my life to porn helping people, namely noobs, and making paintball a better game. If I were to decide to start trying to help with developing a game, would Digital Paint be a good game to start in and gain XP? (level up!) Also, is there anyone who could sorta, you know, take me under his/her (im not sexist) wing and show me some cool stuff about game developing? I wrote a sweet paper for English class about Game Development, where I basically pretended I knew stuff about it and everyone believed me. So I can either become a con artist, or a game developer, and I think helping to develop this game would look good on a resume some day. And, What the Hell... maybe when jitspoe gets tired of this game, I can take over the world and be a fricken shweet developer. If I have free time from being a spy looking at porn bank robberies being a regular high school kid.
In conclusion, porn is games are good.
P.S. you are now -10% intelligence for having read this.