Nice work. If anyone would have ever asked, I'd be more than happy to hand over my RCON scripts for PHP and most of those that I had created for Eggdrops in TCL(These were definitely the ones that the community liked the most). The Eggdrop scripts were really neat if anyone remembers them.
- !trigger that would auto-dcc a map in the maps/ directory from a 100MB connection
- Multi-server PBall scores reporting to irc channel.(We had ran 8 at once for the original pbcup 1v1 tournament).
- !trigger for match password/login (multi-server with the vacancy detection of course)
- !trigger for individual and 'clan' stats from dpstats
I never wanted to make them public because of all the bad coding, and the rcon commands from eggdrop required compiling an additional binary to create the rcon udp packets, and didn't return any data from the server(only served as 1way communication).
wow, I always liked the eggdrop stuff I saw on the pbcup2004 tourny, as well as your script for the GT servers, but it always sounded like "its a big secret noone will ever get to know"... maybe that was only pointed towards the rcon-password-protection then? I mean, feel free to email me the eggdrop stuff if you still have that somewhere
bad coding... well, yeah, many things didnt work out for me either, so I guess there is still bad code snippets, maybe even unused code snippets in my files... but i dont care
as long as it works the way i want it to.
digi: yes, thats why I wrote "gimmicks", i know its kinda useless... but so what
instead of printing out the "status" rcon command, I couldve just used it internally (needed that to determine if there is a player on the server or not)... so w/e
DT: yep, it is... but I have been asked many times to open the match server for a quick match, and always had work with setting it up or saying "nope, you cant"
of course it will only be used by europeans, that why I wrote
Although this might not be relevant to the majority of this community
in my first post.