Author Topic: drifters  (Read 2154 times)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 235
« on: August 29, 2007, 10:51:12 PM »
drifters is recruiting!   :o

5 years after its formation, and 4 games later, drifters is making a move into the world of digital paint.  formed mostly by ex-qwpb players in 2002, drifters was an active clan in aq2, ac2, wow, and the ever-popular isketch.  looking to expand its playing field, drifters has now formally entered the realm of digital paint and is looking for a few good men or women (or men that act like women -- hey, we don't judge).

we currently have two members for dp:  Herron and oddjob

Herron is doing all of the recruiting, so please leave oddjob alone.  oj is under strict orders to kickban you if you send him a message, and i can't guarantee he won't track you down and kill your family if you don't heed this warning.  what i can guarantee you is you're sure as hell not getting into the clan if you can't follow that one simple rule.

requirements for joining are as follows:
1. you must have played dp for more than 6 months, and been in LESS than 10 clans. [edit: that less than 10 clans is for people that have only played for 6 months]

2. you may only have one login number.  if we find out otherwise, you're gone for good.  no exceptions.

3. you cannot have a LOL bind, or a bind that uses splats or smiley faces.  again, no exceptions.  as an aside, if you do have said binds, i hope you get run over by a truck. [edit: this is for the people that hit the bind 50+ times a game, not people that are just too lazy to type 'lol.'  in fact, we respect your laziness.]

4. you can't be a jackass.  if you can't keep your mouth shut or under control in pubs/matches/irc/forums/etc., you are most assuredly not welcome in this clan.  we're not saying you have to go around typing in a british accent and saying 'cheerio kind sir' to everyone, but if you make a comment after every death like 'lol', 'camper', 'lag', 'im so high,' or 'wtf,' please feel free to never even enter our channel.  the same kind of rules apply to consistently and publicly arguing with people and calling them campers, cheaters, whiners, newbies, etc.  there's an ignore command in the game for a reason -- use it.

5. you can't be an idiot.  if your IQ is less than 12, you can't be in the clan.  i'm pretty sure a tomato plant has one of 15, so unless you don't know how to follow very simple rules like "don't kill the last guy" or "wait for respawn before rushing in," you should be okay.  i actually tested my tomato plant this morning, and it did exactly what it was told; it sat there with the patience of a saint and took a death for the team -- truly a model player.

6. you have to be able to do both the backdoor and double backdoor jumps on castle1 consistently (i.e., 8 out of 10 tries)

7. you can't cheat.  you can, however, tell me that you cheat.  i promise to keep your secret for as long as it takes me to get onto the forum and post your admission.  i type pretty fast, so i'd assume your secret would be safe with me for approximately 15 seconds.

we, and i hope you, are not fooling ourselves; we're not going to go 30-0 in 6 days.  in fact, we'll probably go 1-6 in 10 days because we're not going to play bottom-of-the-barrel clans to get a nice pad on the ole record and then break up after our 2nd loss to a decent clan.  we're going to keep track of our wins/losses, and establish beforehand what is a match and what is a scrimmage, as well as establishing that a 1v1 or 2v2 is not a match.

we're aiming to get about 10 players (+-2), most of which are on at least 3 nights a week, but there's not a mandatory number of nights or matches you must play in.  this is more just to make you aware that if you're on for 5 or 6 days out of the month, you're not going to be recruited.  we'd like this to be an active clan, with matches at least every 2 or 3 days (depending on our own player availability -- remember, we don't do 2v2s, and 3v3s are stretching it IMO)

matching will start mid/late september, so if you want to tryout, but don't want to leave your current clan until closer to that time, that's fine w/ us.  just make sure you've informed your current clan of your upcoming departure, as your name will be going in our topic as soon as we (and you) decide that you are drifters material.

tryouts will be 2 or 3 days worth of playing with Herron, both 1v1 and pubs (mostly pubs, seeing as how it's hard to actually observe your movement/aiming when i'm not chase camming you).  we may also pit you against other people trying out.  one note about that:  don't say 'ns' everytime you die... unless, of course, it is a nice shot.  we don't need brown-nosing, nicey-nice people that act differently when they're trying out than they do in pubs/matches/scrims/etc.  nothing wrong with complimenting a fellow player, but not every shot is a ns.  afterall, this IS dp.

tryouts will also consist of the tryoutees sending me 5 demos taken after they say they want to tryout (not more than one 1v1, and not less than 3 pubs with more than 8 people on the server).  i'll give you a SUPAR SEKRAT CODE WORD that you'll have to say at the beginning of the demo so i can see that you're not sending me something you've had in your highlight demo for the last 8 months.  you could go 20-0 or 10-20 for all we care -- we're looking at your movement, speed, aiming, and strategy; not your k/d ratio.  you could go 100-0 on blitz by sitting in a window, and we'd take someone that went 11-15 on castle1 if they knew where they were going and moved well around the map.

*** Herron will be GONE Thursday-Monday (8/30 - 9/3) due to company coming in, and then a short vacation.  Tryouts will resume on Tuesday (9/4).  If you have any questions, ask IN THE CHANNEL (#drifters on gg-center).  DO NOT MESSAGE ODDJOB.  HE WILL HATE YOU, AND BY PROXY, SO WILL I. ***

[00:38] <Herron> i'm getting bored writing this
[00:38] <smoke> just end it with
[00:38] <smoke> LOL BOB OWNS
[00:38] <Herron> k
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 08:10:44 AM by Herron »


  • Autococker
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Re: drifters
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2007, 10:56:16 PM »


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 336
Re: drifters
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2007, 11:04:44 PM »
I do own.

Loial posts 30 second after topic is created, nice.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
Re: drifters
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2007, 11:32:03 PM »
I phaster den hugh mang.

So you can see me, bob?

Come to vent whinest finest. Let catch up.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 448
Re: drifters
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2007, 11:51:50 PM »
i fulfill every requirement except that I'm sorry to say i have an lol bind which i use to acknowledge other players who constantly try to tell jokes hoping that the simple lol will get them to shut up.

not that it effects me but why less than ten clans? what if a player that has played for 6 years wants to join but has been in 11?

edit: what are the two back door jumps on c1...i thought there was only 1


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1178
Re: drifters
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2007, 01:25:11 AM »
what are the two back door jumps on c1...i thought there was only 1

there is the reg bd jump where you do barrel to barrel, once you are in the bd you jump off one of the "crowns" you the high window that leads either to main high or to the other side of the main flag.

sounds like you really thought this through and it was put together very well. even though there is alot of demands (too many will never be fulfilled) but i wish you the best of luck. its always good to have another clan in the scene.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 601
Re: drifters
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2007, 08:03:13 AM »
heh yeah you might wanna just change the rule to you'll teach them the castle1 jumps


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 235
Re: drifters
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2007, 08:05:41 AM »
the less than 10 clans requirement is more of a snide comment than an actual requirement.  i was really just trying to make a veiled derogatory statement about people that join a new clan every two or three weeks and don't stick it out with any of them.  i also intended it to focus only on newer people (i.e., 6 months or less).  it didn't even cross my mind about applying it to people that have played for more than 6 months, and thus, it doesn't apply to them.

same with the LOL bind: it's to weed out the people that hit it 4 times everytime they die or kill someone else.  (OLE!, anyone?)  we don't care if you say lol... hell, i say it like 10 times a game, but i don't pound a bind for it 3 times in a row every 15 seconds like i see on pubs all the time.

both of those rules are aimed more at maturity level than anything else.  based on current research performed by harvard, MIT, and mcdonalds, there is an obvious correlation between maturity and people that join a new clan every two weeks, people that bind a key to LOLZOR that hit it way too frequently, and people that have a bind for !***#@GoOd GAm3Z!!!!#@$ that hit it as many times as possible before the map changes.

i didn't just specify "maturity" as a requirement because oj and i are both far from that, and because we're here to have fun, not start some army boot camp.  anyone that's ever seen me on a server knows i joke around w/ people, while doing my fair share of yelling at newbies and using profanity.  however, i don't consistently act like a jerk, and that's really all we're looking for; that, and we're also not really looking for holier-than-thou people that have no sense of humor.  like i said, we're here to have fun.

way to ruin my fun, snipen. :(  i still love you though!

cola's right about his description of the backdoor jumps.  one is the regular jump, and the other is what i call the double backdoor, although i don't know what anyone else calls it.  it's jumping off the parapet onto the red border and then jumping up into area above the doors (where the 4 holes in the floor are).  the double bdoor jump is less important to us than the main bd jump, but it would be nice if people could do both.  being able to do the main bd jump is mandatory though, and i think everyone and their mother should be able to get that one right after a day or two of practice.


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
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« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2007, 12:29:34 PM »
Post removed
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 12:08:27 AM by Dirty_Taco »


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1178
Re: drifters
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2007, 02:00:13 PM »
Herron informs me that he especially likes it when you tell him how much weed you smoke/how often you smoke. He is particularly fond of a 'brb bong rip' prior to matches or really any old time.

Take my advice on this one, after reading this post i immediately joined #drifters and spammed !***#@GoOd GAm3Z!!!!#@$ over and over. Upon seeing this Herron begged me to join but I laughed in his face because i am now the leader of {DeW}.

PLaMB 4 PrEsYdEnT!!!


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 336
Re: drifters
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2007, 07:10:44 PM »
I call the double back door, "SUPER ULTRA OMEGA JUMP PATTERN #19".


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 172
Re: drifters
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2007, 08:49:39 PM »
There's no room for sarcastic newbie hating posts like this on the forums. 30 day ban.