Author Topic: Here's what I would like to see.  (Read 1216 times)


  • Developer
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Here's what I would like to see.
« on: January 07, 2003, 07:58:25 PM »
Was thinking up a list of things I would like to see fixed/changed and here's what I came up with.

- represents new features.
= represents fixes/bugs.

###Chase Cam###
= Fix bug where movement/view is lagged by a few seconds after using the 'camera' command to exit the chase cam mode.
= Fix bug where mouse movements in the rotate chase mode is lagged by a few seconds.
- Change player-cycling commands to something more common i.e. Next->Jump; Previous->Crouch.
- Set model properties on the player you're chasing in "in-eye" mode to not draw so you don't see parts of the models while they jump/move.
= Fix bug where "Chasing ....." text above hud flickers.

- Create client cvar to disable the zeors from Kills/Streak/Paintballs-Speedometer from appearing.

- Create cvar to specify a remote IP for logs to go via udp.
- Create cvar to specify a port for previous suggestion.
- Create option for the observer idle kick to it kicks not only those who are idle, but those who are just observing.
- Disable blank logins ('login' command) as security for poorly configured servers.
- Create a command to unset the password through rcon(/console?).
- Create a rcon/console command to view the oplevel of users similar to the ingame commands.
- Allow the givewarning command to work with a specified player ID, i.e. 'givewarning 3'.
- Map voting(jitspoe's idea where all the other maps that weren't selected have their vote count increased each map, when a map is played it's vote count returns to 0).

###Clan Mode###
>Team Commands
 - Command for leaders to create a team with a name, i.e. 'newteam Team Lizard'.
 - Menu option for leaders to create a team with predefined name from a cvar.
 - Menu option for players to join a team, i.e. ">Join [1] Team Lizard \n Join [2] Team Cougar'.
 - Command for players to join a team from the teamid, i.e. 'join 1' joins Team Lizard.
 - If a leader drops assign leadership to the player who was first to join.
 - Command/menu option for leaders to hand over leadership to another player on their team.
 - Command for leaders to choose the map they wish to play.
 - Allow the game to play as it normally would during warm-up time but do not keep score or record kills,deaths, etc.
 - Command/menu option for leaders to choose the colour they would like to play as if opposing team selected map.
 - Command/menu option for players on teams to make themselves as playing/subsituting(obs).
 - Command/menu option for leaders of teams to mark a player as playing/substitute.
 - Command/menu option for players marked as playing to mark themselves as ready.
 - All players must be ready before the warm-up ends and countdown for match takes place.
>During Game
 - Disable public/mm1 chat among all players except for leaders.
 - Allow mm2 chat only with substitutes and eliminated players, or amongst alive players.
 - Allow public chat amongst observers and substitutes.
 - Command/menu option for leaders to initiate a pause/timeout. Defined timelimit by server.
 - Command/menu option for leaders to initiate a substitution for the next round., i.e. 'substitute 1 5'(player IDs); "Select player to leave.... Select player to enter".
 - Command/menu option for playing players to initiate a subtition on themselves for another member.
 - Automatic substitution(Player1 joins observer, Player2 joins Blue, etc.) at end of round based on substitution commands issued during the round.

= Actually finish everything that has been "under developement" forever.
= Scrap the login option, it's pretty useless unless you insert an input box.


  • Developer
  • PGP
  • Posts: 13
Re: Here's what I would like to see.
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2003, 12:17:58 PM »
WOW such a short list!, Jit's todo list is twice as long


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Re: Here's what I would like to see.
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2003, 05:21:38 PM »
Only twice? ;)