* There is no limit on the amount of entries
* Contestants may map in pairs or teams
* Custom content is allowed but not separately judged
* The maps MUST be be based upon the contest's theme
* Remakes are not allowed, nor any other form of plagiarism, even if the creator of the map allows it. All work must be original.
* Maps must have been started after the contest began
I have nothing to gain or lose here but the rules were made for a reason. If Queenie intends on entering the map that he posted screenies of the day before the contest, then it should not be allowed.
Now, say a contestant has been secretly working on a map for a few months and decides to enter it in the contest, other than looking at file dates, I don't think there would be any other way to prove that the map was started before hand.
Also, the fact that Queenie was down for 2 days without a computer to work on the map should make no difference.
Sorry but that's how I see it.