Thank you for looking at the map. I didn't know you could get to the cocker throught that opening.... took quite a few trys but I did it once.
The entrace to the autococker room started out as a door, but the door glowed after it was compiled. I tried the translucent tag but it also glows. How do I make them not glow? I want it to blend in with the brush faces next to it. Not much of a secret if it glows.
In routes_test2, I raised the sky becuse of the problem of seeing into the room through the sky. At first I tried to use hint brushes to prevent it, but couldn't totally make them work right.
In routes_test2 you can get on the roof and stuff with fairly simple trick jumps. I personally like that kind of stuff, but may need to add clip brushes to prevent it. Any thoughts from anyone on that?
I change to gamemodes so it should support everything except siege. I aligned more textures... probably still miss a few. Made alot of other small tweaks. Anyway here's routes_test2 link. Thanks again for looking at it, I'd like some others to tell me what they think also, good or bad... nows the time. rared for poor lialaoal)
Here's a couple of sshots also.