Thank you Loial21, however I assume you're talking about the barrels by the angle bridge. I feel strongly that those must stay. I don't think everything on the map needs to be newb friendly.
And I think it makes it more interesting and gives more choices. I'm not a very good jumper either but I keep trying to learn those jumps and I think I've gotten better at them by keeping on trying. Looking for an advantage is part of learning the map. If you think it's a exploit then I'm sorry you feel that way. But thank you for the kind words. If you want, I'll teach you or anyone how to jump into the bd of castle1... even if I can't do it everytime, I do know how. The autococker room is another "exploit" that will stay. (eiii)
But I do appreciate the comments.
Jitspoe thanks for testing the map and getting some players on the server. I thought it was going to be too many people for ctf but it worked out fine and it was fun.
The jail "bomber bay" door as you called them
are set to crusher, I guess I'd better change that, plus I also got stuck for a sec on the door too... I think I have an idea how to make that end of the jail better, I'll look at it.
I opened up most of the "windows" between routes and notice a big jump in r_speeds also. I may have to shrink them back down some, and/or change/add something to break it up. The ladders, barrels, steps and such have the detail added as in brush contents. I saw you saying detail brushes shouldn't be used, I'm not sure if you mean the actual detail brush or the contents detail setting. (could do the same thing for all I know)
It's funny, I liked the rail without the angled piece better... took me a long time to align the brushes on that angle too.... haha.
A hill entity for KOTH mode, hmm... not sure what you're talking about but I'll figure it out and also move it up above 0. I thought you had to be sitting on the white flag to score points...