The lighting looks better, yes, but the map is still rather bland. Very square-ish. Also, the r_speeds are really high -- in excess of 2000 in some areas, and it's going to get a lot worse if you put the other base straight across the bridges. Also, doing that will mean almost all of the combat will take place in the huge open area with the bridges. High r_speeds + lots of players = bad lag. Not to mention, there's no cover and you're pretty much screwed if you land in the water because it takes so long to swim to/through the pipe. Somebody could probably grab and cap before you even got to the base.
Some notes on the lighting: I'd reduce/remove the water light - it looks almost fullbright underwater. You need to use metal textures around the edges of the light and only have the main surface lit. Also, many of the lights need to be properly aligned (there are many barrel textures that need to be aligned as well -- and one barrel is part way in the wall!)
To be completely honest, I don't see what you have so far working out very well. If you really want to go with that design, I'd re-do the whole thing about 1/4-1/2 the size. It's just too open/bland right now. The proportions are pretty ridiculous, too. Since 9 units is about 1 foot, that means the bridges are about 35 feet
wide. Unless you're trying to make 2-lane overpasses, that's really freaking huge for a bridge.
Obviously you have to compensate for the insane movement speed, but try to make the size of things at least somewhat believeable.