COUGH!!!!!!! mad.
*edit comming im at work
Actually loial I can't see why people DON'T play on your server more often. The ping is good, and the maps are decent-great. Oh and my maps kinda suck lol, I do like badlands but theres never enough people and platforms and doors don't work well in paintball. Jit should have a list of approved maps and include them with the client. Then encourage admins to run those maps, or ones of equal or better quality (gameplay and asthetically). Maybe have "official servers" that need to meet certain requirements for connection type and map roation etc. Dunno, lotta work for one guy
Let me say first about DB...meh good guys! I wish I would have joined you clan or GT when asked Im still "thinking about it" ,but alas I perfer to remain dp clanless for now. To my point Congrats on the server gents, God of Pings be praised im under 30ms again HA HA i have become more powerful than you can ever imagine. Anyhow good server looking forward to playing your server.
Jitspoe I know your busy, please feel free to update my map requests and consider allowing some novelty maps to be played again not on list but to be played or requested. Although one person(but a good example), Derrek of all people whom we both shown respect as a model player says my maplist sucks and I cant help but agree with him regarding having sandtrap, indune suddendeath etc etc an old e3rrt maplist ran, Map classics lets call them. I believe personally if we have a rounded maplist with new good maps mixed in with the old now popular map classics we should have a winner
sorry off topic my apology to DB and Forum Admin and readers
bows down and out. Vote for Pedro.