I have been on a number of committees, in college and in the work place.
I voted yes because I feel every committee member has done very well. Could more committee member be more involved in some of the in depth investigations, sure, myself especially. But, i've watched every committee member vote, comment, and justify on almost every listed case. THIS is what the committee is suppose to do. Investigate, Discuss, Vote, Comment/Justify, Resolve.
Let me say this as clearly as I can: I have seen absolutely no bias from any individual in the committee.
Let me say THIS as clearly as I can: A individual bias would not effect anything. That's why there are TEN members.
I seriously think some people are scared of the committee because they feel they won't be able to slip under the overwhelmed Jitspoe radar anymore.
I think the committee is doing fine.
Keep up the good work fellow committee personnel!