I dont think it would work well enough. Me and a few others were talking in the channel last week about this (yes we were talking about paintball in #paintball!) and kinda settled on a middle ground of having a spray meter. I dunno what to call it. But basically for every gun, there is a unique rate of spraying, where as you are spraying, your meter goes down. The lower you rmeter is the "less" you are allowed to spray. This can either be by increasing the delay time, or slowly making the gun more "semi-automatic" or i dunno how. If you completely run out of meter, your gun jams for a few seconds. Then of course as your not shooting, your meter gradulaly goes back up. Each gun needs to be different however, cuz you cant really spray with a PGP or Stingray for instance, so their meters should go down a lot more slowly and not have as much impact when the meter is low. This would hopefully balance the game a bit more and reduce the cheap (and admit it.. VERY NOT FUN) tactics where someone just stands there and shoots at the base entrance for 5 minutes in a row.
As an aside, I was playing Stale2 (i think it was called) last night. And first off, its a TERRIBLE map. But anyway, the game was reduced to pretty much all spraying. Which ever team got control of the middle section first, then would just simply spray the insantely small base entrance, while the remaining opponents did the same. So the game slowed to a crawl and everyone just stood there spraying endlessly. This is PERFECT example of why something needs to be done about it. Its not broke, but it needs tweaking.