I'm not voting for this simply because we've had large parts of the code open-sourced for so long, and nobody has yet to significantly improve upon it, with the exception of XB (I think?) and Cobo. If you guys took the current open-sourced portions of the code and did something neat with it - If someone can add bloom, per-pixel lighting, or even shadows for SKM models - then I'll vote for this.
That's because a lot of the stuff people want done
and want to work on themselves can't be done without having the game code. Personally, I have no interest in improving the engine -- not because I don't think it's worthwhile, but because I'd rather fix bugs and add features that contribute to the gameplay instead of concerning myself with the aesthetics. Also, I'm not going to B.S. you; I have no idea how to implement lighting and whatnot, but I also have absolutely no desire to learn. Why does that mean I shouldn't be able to help do the things that I do know how to fix/implement and want to work on?
I would have coded team deathmatch long ago had I had access to the relevant gameplay code (as an aside, two thumbs up to jits for implementing team dm). I'd also like to take a stab at fixing the grenade bugs and implementing features like showing clan ids and subsequently allowing clan specinvites -- things I can't do with the current code. There's such a large variation in the coding skill required to do some of the things listed in the Feature Vote thread that if something extremely difficult reaches the top of the list and jits spends however many weeks working on implementing it, small bugs that novice programmers like myself would be capable of fixing go unaddressed for extended periods of time.
I mean seriously, what the hell?
Ragdoll Physics is higher in the list than fixing bugs like removing the player model in first-person camera mode, fixing the spawn code, and fixing the errors with funname formatting. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! With the exception of the funname formatting, these types of bugs can't be fixed without access to the game code, and will not be fixed until the community gets off its duff and stops voting for worthless crap we don't need and learns to prioritize "getting it right" instead of "getting it done." <-- Let me make it clear that that is not a slam on jitspoe at all, it's a slam on the community and their acquiescence to living with correctable errors because they want something frivolous like clan logos on jerseys instead of preventing two players from spawning inside of each other and being invincible.