Saddam wasn't unpredictable. And I personally don't care what you saw. So people die, many in gruesome ways. The world knew about these atrocities, but they also knew it was nothing compared to what would result if a 3rd power tried to take over the region. Saddam did what he did to keep the region in check. When you're working with policies, I wouldn't let your personal emotions get into it.
Second, how was I wrong? I didn't say that Saddam didn't violate UN's orders many times over the course of years, did I? I said that even if Saddam did, most nations did not perceive it as a sufficient threat. Frankly, not everyone really believed that Saddam had WMDs, and indeed this was true, as the Iraqi war has pointed out. If you look into the matter deeply, it is perfectly reasonable why he would buff that he had WMDs, and any good analyst would have considered that viewpoint.
Third, what is with you and the media? The media is obviously biased, but that is not to say that there are not real analysts putting out their real valid opinions. There are also varying levels of bias with different news outlets. NPR isn't that bad, you know. Regardless, what credentials do you have that you can verify to me that makes your opinion oh so more useful? Lead analyst? You could be pulling that out of your butt. And even if you are a lead analyst, there is nothing stopping you from being wrong because this isn't a black and white issue. You appear to be pretty biased anyway. All you have done is shown that Saddam was a bad person, not that the war was inherently justified. Nothing has come out of the Iraqi war. The governments we have tried to set up have been entirely worthless. The region does not look like it intends to settle down any time soon. Hatred towards America seems to have grown.
The only reasonable point brought up has been S8N's, saying that indeed we have had no attack. However, who is to say that that was because of the invasion, because terrorists can be harbored in other places beside Iraq. I suspect that our better border security may be the reason for the lack of attacks. It is not like they cannot try to attack right now, but since we have improved our border security, their chance for failure has increased significantly even if we have not patched up all the holes (meaning if they fail, a great negative PR wave will befall on them, and America will have won). But whatever, S8N's point is still up to debate. He could be right, he could be wrong.
Anyway, that's my 2c. The primary elections will be upon us soon, and we'll see what will happen then.