I'm lazy, and hate having to go through the menu looking for the login menu. So I made an alias..
1) Open Notepad and navigate to your DP install folder. Mine was F:/Games/Paintball2. From Paintball2/ navigate to pball/ then profiles/. Find your DPlogin profile and open it.
2) Copy the long string of numbers/characters that you see in there.
3) Open DP and go to the console. Copy this alias into it, except replace the 3489JDHFSKJ numbers with the ones copied from the Profile file.
alias dplogin "profile_select [i][b]YOUR_PROFILE NAME[/i][/b];profile_login [i][b]YOUR_PROFILE NAME[/i][/b] [i]YOUR_NUMBERS_HERE[/I]"
For example, mine looked like this:
alias dplogin "profile_select tommyvyo;profile_login tommyvyo b348934kjhdf8as93j4kjhdf8as9"
Whenever you want to login, simply type dplogin in the console. bang bang bang.