- Class now requires PHP 5
- DigitalPaintServer::new_map method renamed to
- New exceptions: DPSException (extends Exception),
DPSServerListUnaccessibleException (extends DPSException),
DPSRCONPasswordUnsetException (extends DPSException),
DPSBadRCONPasswordException (extends DPSException),
DPSConnectionException (extends DPSException),
DPSTimeoutException (extends DPSConnectionException), and
DPSPortUnreachable (extends DPSConnectionException)
- DigitalPaintServer::ping interface changed: returns false for both timeout
and port unreachable
- Behavior for DigitalPaintServer::rcon_get_map_rotation corrected, and now it
has a key 'user_added' in the array that is a boolean
- New DigitalPaintServer::rcon_get_players method that does not use the
extended information from the status cache
- DigitalPaintServer::funname_to_html now correctly escapes HTML characters
- DigitalPaintServer::funname_to_html now strips invalid color codes (instead
of outputting bad HTML)
http://digitalpaint.therisenrealm.com/tools/sdk/libdpserver**Not yet updated on PHPClasses**