Author Topic: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!  (Read 3144 times)


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The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« on: October 20, 2005, 12:59:32 PM »
Good day PPL!!

Most of you who will read this and actually play the game will most likely Bash me for saying this... But's it's my opinion and I'm not the only one who thinks alike.

I've played DP for about 2 months now... And it's a good and entertaining game, except for 1 thing. THE STUPID BUNNY HOPPING! Ok, hear me out... I've played REAL paintball for several years... And I was looking for a good substitute while my wallet fills it's self up after each REAL game.... And I had found it until I saw ppl boucing around like Headless chickens!

IN NO WAY IS BUNNY HOPPING a life saving skill on a real paintball field. And the fact that bunny hopping in this game is only the MOST important skill to have, it makes the game lame, unreal and truly stupid. Imagine some dude BOUNCING around on a real paintball field trying to get to a bunker or fortification. HE'D EAT SERIOUS excrement!! Now why would you go and put something as stupid as bunny hopping in a paintball sim game. Paintball is about Team work and strategy, not hoppin' around!

Don't get me wrong... Apart from the "bouncing", this game is at it's best! But the bunny hopping just ruins the whole thing. I'm just trying to say that you've lost an avid player and many more players due to the stupid bunny hopping. So now, all you DP Geeks can go ahead and tell me I'm an idiot and that if I don't like it, just don't play. And I won't. But I'm just letting the game creators know that due to that 1 serious problem, they've lost quite a few fans. Thanx guys, but no thanx! Maybe consider re-working the whole "bunny hopping" idea.

Thanx to all who read this with an open mind and without the need to bash the post. It's just an opinion!



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« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2005, 01:40:36 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 01:11:17 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2005, 04:01:45 PM »
Uhm, if u could bunny hopp as good as the "good jumpers", u still wouldnt like it?

If u just play until 2 months, i can imagine its hard to beat players when u arent on bunny hopping and all these things..

But it takes its time, just train and play a lot and u will get into it.

And seriously, dp without bunny hoppin isnt a good ide, because then almost ALL players wont play it anymore,because its the movement and the maps for it, which makes dp a great game.


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Re: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2005, 04:05:07 PM »
Thank you for providing feedback.  It's important to note that Paintball2 is no more designed to be a realistic paintball simulator than Quake is designed to be a realistic marine combat simulator.  They're both just meant to be fun, but instead of rocket launchers, Paintball2 has paintball guns.

That being said, the bunny hopping wasn't "added" to the game.  It's been there since the beginning.  That's just the way the Quake2 physics are, and Paintball2 started out as a Quake2 mod.  If I changed it now, I'd probably be castrated, disemboweled, drawn, and quartered by all the players that have grown to love it.

At one point we did try to stop bunny hopping.  Anybody remember tripping?  There's actually still a server-side setting for it.  It's never used, though.  Pretty much nobody liked it.  Now that we have full control over the engine source, I could come up with a better solution, but I don't think many players would like the lack of bunny hopping.


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« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2005, 04:25:20 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 11:08:17 PM by IronFist »


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Re: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2005, 05:15:14 PM »
there was already a guy that played DP named nemesis and he is still around. dont steal his name kthnxbye


  • VM-68
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Re: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2005, 05:46:30 PM »
NemesiS: as Jitspoe already said, the bunny hopping was never added to digital paintball. This game was created as a Quake2 mod and if you've played quake2, then you should know that bunny hopping was pretty much built into the quake2 engin.
That being said, i've played paintball2 since it came out, far too long to remember and after some time, you get used to the difference in movements. I also play real paintball when my wallet can handle it but try and remember the name of this game. D-I-G-I-T-A-L paintball. In simpler terms, it is all fake, therefore not everything will be the same as it is in real life on the paintball field. I'm sure you really didn't need my help with that however, i felt the need to point that out since you didn't read up on the game enough to realize that it was created from quake2.
In any case, like YOU said, you know we will say "if you don't like it, don't play" and you couldn't be more right so i don't have to bother saying it.
Enough said =)
- MeRL


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Re: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2005, 07:19:16 PM »
That was the most powerful speech MeRL has ever said to anyone nemisis. As for bunny hopping, If paintball2 was a fast paced game from the start, why slow it down and lose the whole focus of the game?

 Even on the old Quake site they still have a description, it says; Digital Paintball 2 is a new fast-paced game. That was years ago, this game is old, finally  :). So in essence, what you said was as bad as telling us to change round paintballs into bananas.


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Re: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2005, 10:21:06 PM »
I have to agree with Nemesis, bunny hopping is silly, and i still can't jump.
Most of the time my teammates are halfway down the map while i'm still looking for a gun. When i finally get to the other side everyone is dead and burried and if i'm lucky i can face the person(s) that killed all of my teammates.
But it is like it is, i'm not complaining. :P


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Re: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2005, 07:18:01 AM »
Great support and feedback on this issue people! Kudos!
Another thing that was slightly covered by Matze...the maps...and more specifically the strategy of it all...lemme splain...

Ok we know bunny hopping is inherent to Quake2, and therefore to Paintball2. Now the 8 or 9+ years that paintball has been in existance these physics have been in place. For much of this time changing the physics was not an option. So now you have people dedicated to this game for many years, and equally as important, map that have been specifically designed to include unique jumps as part of thier planned strategy. You remove the hopping and double jumping and you pretty much ruin a number of maps.

It's all about strategy and planning really. The player can reach very fast speeds. So you either quickly, if at all, grab your stuff and get out as fast as possible, or you take your time and force your enemy encounter to happen closer, if not in, your base. After a while these kinds of choices will define you as a player. The really good players know exactly where the gear is spread out across the maps, know where they could possibly spawn, and have a subconscious plan to traverse the given course and get out into the battle in blazing speed if they choose to rush. And they mix it up well.

I, personally, cannot double jump really well. It may have something to do with jumping being on my right mouse. Keyboard jumpers seem to be able to get that, all important, second jump in super fast causing them to be able to make those amazing jumps. Or maybe i'm just old and on the verge of arthritis in my jump finger...i dunno. Anyhow, I know my limitations and have adjusted my game accordingly.

Don't give up on the game. Get in there and play a while before you give it up. If you get slaughtered in there just remember that some of the people that are slaughtering you may have been playing this game for more than 8 years. There's alot of experience out there. You just need to gain some and join in the fun!


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Re: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2005, 10:35:01 AM »
I've never heard the claim about spacebar jumpers to double jump easier than mouse jumpers.  I'll throw the idea out there that the slow response (spring that is) of the key works in favor for double jump timing.  I've always felt a lot more control over my jumps with the right click.


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Re: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2005, 01:19:52 PM »
What about the shift, am I the only existing one left who uses shift? Space bar=too far and right/left click=confusing. So shift jumpers - mouse jumpers + space bar jumpers=The best jumper. Although the people like jits who prolly use ESC for jumping or something are unhumanly the best beyond doubt because of there strange brain make-up which adds to confusing people with there sophistication or something.


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Re: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2005, 01:20:45 PM »
I don't think the spacebar or mouse buttons work very well for jumping.  Space bar is too... flimsy, and the precise timing between my left and right hands using the mouse button doesn't seem to work very well either (but I haven't tried it much).  I find it's better to keep all the movement on the left hand, and all the weapon stuff on the right hand, and for jumping using a regular letter key works best for me.


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Re: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2005, 05:19:06 PM »
Meh. I prefer mouse2.


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Re: The ONE reason why you've lost a Fan!
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2005, 09:31:08 PM »
So in essence, what you said was as bad as telling us to change round paintballs into bananas.
that would be different.. HAVE MONKEYS RUNNING AROUND WITH BANANA GUNS that would be so awesome..(of course have it set to the April fools like that texture override