Author Topic: The Real Problem...  (Read 14763 times)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 329
The Real Problem...
« on: October 23, 2005, 01:17:13 AM »
I've tried not to be too involved in these situations, but the time has come to be blunt.

Jitspoe, what the $@& are you doing?

Has the community's opinion ever even crossed your mind when you make some of these changes to the game?

1. The change of ballflight x years ago -- this completely altered the game; yet when was there ever even discussion amidst the community? All of a sudden, grand lord of DP jitspoe decided that it would be for the better of the community to increase the ballflight speed to enhance realism. Now, do not misunderstand me -- I am not arguing that this was a change for the worst. The problem was the way you went about enforcing it. You thurst it onto the community, with little if any discussion. Look at the drama it created; needless drama.

2. Tripping -- good call, once again just thrown into the mix without word. That diddn't take, eh.

3. Realistic Ball Flight -- Again, something that changes the game significantly -- thrust upon the community by one super-god, for better or worse.

4. Gun Jamming -- Hey, look.. how strange; yet another addition to the game that COMPLETELY changes the way it has been played. I'm glad the whole community was able to collaborate and agree that it was a good idea.

5. Impact Grenades -- ..hmm, there seems to be a pattern here. Do you just not *care* about what everyone thinks? Do you just believe every one of your ideas is for the best? Is that why you don't even bother to ask?

Please, explain.. because i fail to understand.

I don't really feel like discussing my opinion on the impact grenades; I've already stated it a long time ago. I don't like them, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. That's hardly the focus of this rant.

Oh, and how about these (un/barely)documented new "client" side grenade options. Yeah, that might change things just a bit, thanks for giving us the heads-up.

Here's yet another thing that bothers me, I see all these ideas and posts about statistics systems, web-based leagues, etc. Do something. What have you done for this game, other than giving it a $*@##$ up, buggy face-lift and a few bananas to throw around. Not much, from my point of view. Certainly you've created a healthy dose of drama for us all to take in.

Another point, since I'm in a bashing mood -- you don't even play in the clan scene anyone. You're not a part. Don't try to empathize, it's just funny to hear you try to relate to anything concerning it.

Here's all I'm asking -- at least have the courtesy to ask the people that actually play this game how they feel about impending, game-altering changes. I think you might be suprised to find that everyone doesn't agree with you.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2005, 01:48:24 AM by Blitz »


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 51
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2005, 08:42:37 AM »
Jitspoe I'm mad at you for not asking for user input. I believe that you should ask for user input or have polls about your new ideas rather then just implementing them

I agree, but not in as harsh of words.


  • Guest
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2005, 10:43:59 AM »
BSoD you are in no position to respond to anything right now. And if I were you, I wouldn't be bashing jitspoe right now. Maybe you'll figure out why later.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 51
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2005, 11:48:15 AM »
BSoD you are in no position to respond to anything right now. And if I were you, I wouldn't be bashing jitspoe right now. Maybe you'll figure out why later.

How did I bash him and why am I not in a position to respond to anything? I simply summarized the above paragraph and stated that I agree tha Jitspoe should take more user input. I don't believe a guest is in any position to tell me what I can and cannot respond to.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 4595
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2005, 12:29:19 PM »
If there's one thing jits shouldn't do, it's make more user input.  8/10ths of the players will only play maps like blitz and pbcup. They don't need control of the game.

EDIT: also, on the gun jamming thing, that was to cut down on spraying. So, all the people playing pbcup were sad and started complaining.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 48
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2005, 12:53:53 PM »
Jitspoe, what the $@& are you doing?
The thing is, it's jitspoe's game and there are thing that I'd like to see added that probaly never will be because jits doesn't think they'd be good for gameplay, but it's his game. Now if it were you're game you're game, you could decide whether or not the community get a say in it. But it's not you're game, it's jit's game and he'll continue to do whatever the hell he likes with it!


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Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2005, 01:59:51 PM »
I love how I try to get feedback on all this stuff by posting forum threads and asking for input, then I get little to no feedback, and once it's implemented, certain groups of people throw a big hissy fit.  The ball flight was, and still is, configurable server-side.  If it's that big of a deal to you, purchase your own server and change the settings to your liking.  I'm not even the one who implemented tripping or realistic ball flight.  I like how you all want to turn this into a "blame jitspoe" game.  Gun jamming is also server configurable.  Buy your own server and shut it off if you don't like it.  Impact grenades were discussed a while back and after I got input from the community we decided that they should be user-selected in order to allow for various strategies where one grenade is favorable over the other.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 329
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2005, 02:22:37 PM »
The poll you took from 15 people that stated "This might not affect my decision.. but..."

A step in the right direction, I'll give it that.

If you keep everything server side, it's much easier on the community. I completely agree that anything server side is subject to the implementation of the server owner. Making them _default_ is merely an annoyance. However, the recent trend has been toward client-side functions.

"then I get little to no feedback, and once it's implemented" << Why are you implementing things with little or no feedback? I don't think a simple forum post/poll is the best you can do. Why not organize IRC debates concerning the issues for at least a more dynamic discussion on these impending changes? Doesn't seem very unrealistic to me.

"The thing is, it's jitspoe's game" << You're right, all of a sudden -- it is jitspoes. Nevermind the original development team that created the backbone of the game.

Calrathan? Isn't that some kind of bird..?


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2005, 03:07:00 PM »
I've tried not to be too involved in these situations, but the time has come to be blunt.

Jitspoe, what the $@& are you doing?

Has the community's opinion ever even crossed your mind when you make some of these changes to the game?

1. The change of ballflight x years ago -- this completely altered the game; yet when was there ever even discussion amidst the community? All of a sudden, grand lord of DP jitspoe decided that it would be for the better of the community to increase the ballflight speed to enhance realism. Now, do not misunderstand me -- I am not arguing that this was a change for the worst. The problem was the way you went about enforcing it. You thurst it onto the community, with little if any discussion. Look at the drama it created; needless drama.

2. Tripping -- good call, once again just thrown into the mix without word. That diddn't take, eh.

3. Realistic Ball Flight -- Again, something that changes the game significantly -- thrust upon the community by one super-god, for better or worse.

4. Gun Jamming -- Hey, look.. how strange; yet another addition to the game that COMPLETELY changes the way it has been played. I'm glad the whole community was able to collaborate and agree that it was a good idea.

5. Impact Grenades -- ..hmm, there seems to be a pattern here. Do you just not *care* about what everyone thinks? Do you just believe every one of your ideas is for the best? Is that why you don't even bother to ask?

Please, explain.. because i fail to understand.

I don't really feel like discussing my opinion on the impact grenades; I've already stated it a long time ago. I don't like them, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. That's hardly the focus of this rant.

Oh, and how about these (un/barely)documented new "client" side grenade options. Yeah, that might change things just a bit, thanks for giving us the heads-up.

Here's yet another thing that bothers me, I see all these ideas and posts about statistics systems, web-based leagues, etc. Do something. What have you done for this game, other than giving it a $*@##$ up, buggy face-lift and a few bananas to throw around. Not much, from my point of view. Certainly you've created a healthy dose of drama for us all to take in.

Another point, since I'm in a bashing mood -- you don't even play in the clan scene anyone. You're not a part. Don't try to empathize, it's just funny to hear you try to relate to anything concerning it.

Here's all I'm asking -- at least have the courtesy to ask the people that actually play this game how they feel about impending, game-altering changes. I think you might be suprised to find that everyone doesn't agree with you.




  • Autococker
  • Posts: 4595
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2005, 03:21:13 PM »
Uhhh... no. The thread is still open.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2005, 03:24:04 PM »
Uhhh... no. The thread is still open.

LMFAO.. clearly.
Good observation.


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Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2005, 03:28:41 PM »
Another thing, there are several community members who, instead of providing useful feedback, would rather insult me and whine.  The same type of people who go on the servers and make it their sole purpose to annoy other players.  Do you really think I want to please these people?

"However, the recent trend has been toward client-side functions." Trend of 1?  Like I said, I got feedback about this before implementing client side controlled grenades.

"Why are you implementing things with little or no feedback?"  Why make the game at all?  Even if I did have a huge discussion about the implementation of something, it's all speculation.  How can you provide feedback on something that doesn't exist yet?

In retrospect, what I should have done, is dumped the old quake2 mod completely and made an entirely new game.  I've learned an important lesson: "Do it right the first time, because if you change it, they will whine."  Hell, people even whine about the better graphics.  It's ridiculous.


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Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2005, 04:37:40 PM »
Ok, you know what?  I feel the need to go into rant mode here.

I've been trying to open this up and make it more community driven.  I've been starting discussions for basically all of the various ideas I've had.  I've started up a .plan thread detailing the things I'm working on.  I've started up a wiki so that the community can help document the game.  I've organized weekly pickups.  I've helped people work on their maps and started the weekly map testing (after the pickups fizzled out) where I'm actively participating twice a week to run the tests, and I spend hours writing up detailed critiques and helping people fix issues with their maps.  I'm spending $100 of my own hard earned money every month so that I can run a server, and I'm uploading new test builds every few days so people can try them out and provide feedback.  I switched clans because I wasn't getting enough match time with cP.  I spend at least 2 hours every day doing DP-related stuff of some sort, and that's pretty much all of my free time.

And now all of a sudden, I get slammed harder than ever before.  You come in and have the audacity to say that I can do better?  No, you can do better.  Come to the tests.  Give feedback.  Help out with graphics or something.  Next time any of you come whining and crying about how I supposedly ruined the game, ask yourself, "What have I contributed?"  If it's nothing, sit down and shut up.

What do I get for all the hard work I've put into this?  Nothing.  But that's ok, because I enjoy the game.  However, what's the point in me working on a game I don't enjoy?  Do I not even have the right to make changes so that it's more enjoyable for myself?


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2005, 04:41:47 PM »
Another thing, there are several community members who, instead of providing useful feedback, would rather insult me and whine.  The same type of people who go on the servers and make it their sole purpose to annoy other players.  Do you really think I want to please these people?

"However, the recent trend has been toward client-side functions." Trend of 1?  Like I said, I got feedback about this before implementing client side controlled grenades.

"Why are you implementing things with little or no feedback?"  Why make the game at all?  Even if I did have a huge discussion about the implementation of something, it's all speculation.  How can you provide feedback on something that doesn't exist yet?

In retrospect, what I should have done, is dumped the old quake2 mod completely and made an entirely new game.  I've learned an important lesson: "Do it right the first time, because if you change it, they will whine."  Hell, people even whine about the better graphics.  It's ridiculous.

who's to say what's 'better'?
you may THINK you're making it 'better', while other people think you're making it worse.. and, people only talk excrement to you after changes have been made. no one ever knows the changes are going to be made.. they kinda just happen. every change that has ever been made it just pops up at me. I find myself matching with new settings almost every single match. One match you can cap, one you cant.. it's retarded. and, you can't possibly know what will be better in a match because you DONT match. the excrement where you have to send flag back before you can cap.. you may think it's better because in a pub newbies run around and the rounds never end.. yes, okay, thats better.. BUT, in a match, it's more like sit and hide in a corner with the flag for 20 minutes straight trying to avoid the other team. It pretty much ruined c1 as a map. people just run up the ladder and hide until the time runs down. I know, because we sat upper for 17 MINUTES straight. also, there was no recon on that server (another one of your dumb new changes) and they couldnt find us the WHOLE 17 minutes because they lacked recon. Good? Definately not


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2005, 04:45:25 PM »
Ok, you know what?  I feel the need to go into rant mode here.

I've been trying to open this up and make it more community driven.  I've been starting discussions for basically all of the various ideas I've had.  I've started up a .plan thread detailing the things I'm working on.  I've started up a wiki so that the community can help document the game.  I've organized weekly pickups.  I've helped people work on their maps and started the weekly map testing (after the pickups fizzled out) where I'm actively participating twice a week to run the tests, and I spend hours writing up detailed critiques and helping people fix issues with their maps.  I'm spending $100 of my own hard earned money every month so that I can run a server, and I'm uploading new test builds every few days so people can try them out and provide feedback.  I switched clans because I wasn't getting enough match time with cP.  I spend at least 2 hours every day doing DP-related stuff of some sort, and that's pretty much all of my free time.

And now all of a sudden, I get slammed harder than ever before.  You come in and have the audacity to say that I can do better?  No, you can do better.  Come to the tests.  Give feedback.  Help out with graphics or something.  Next time any of you come whining and crying about how I supposedly ruined the game, ask yourself, "What have I contributed?"  If it's nothing, sit down and shut up.

What do I get for all the hard work I've put into this?  Nothing.  But that's ok, because I enjoy the game.  However, what's the point in me working on a game I don't enjoy?  Do I not even have the right to make changes so that it's more enjoyable for myself?

yup, you do have the right.. just like we have the right to complain. it's like if the NFL suddenly turned football into a game where you do cartwheels over bridges with banana shoes and elephant hats.. dont you think veteran players will be upset? That's exactly what's happening here.


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Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2005, 04:48:04 PM »
Exaggerate much?


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2005, 05:00:38 PM »
Exaggerate much?

not really..
recon is one of the biggest parts of the game.. you took it out.

ball lobbing was one of the aspects of the game that made it hard, because you had to know how the balls lobs if you wanna hit people that arent right in your face.. you took that out.

you added impact grens.. NO ONE uses timed grens anymore. We just matched, and I found that people are more focus'd on throwing grens then shooting. I'd walk up to someone and before they even thought of tooking a shot at me they'd throw an impact down at the ground.

You made it so you can't cap without flags being back... took away all the turn arounds that made matches intense. now it's basically just 1pt rounds.


Match gameplay is MUCH worse now.
take that from someone who has been matching in the top clans for years, not from newbies who think "OMFGZXz i have 52 frags lOLZ yay imPACt."


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2005, 05:01:58 PM »


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2005, 05:14:50 PM »
As for the graphics/look .. other then the models being difficult to see, I think you did a very good job.


  • Autococker
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Re: The Real Problem...
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2005, 05:18:21 PM »
They're not hard to see...