Author Topic: You know you're old when......  (Read 2771 times)


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You know you're old when......
« on: February 20, 2008, 07:28:05 AM »
How many of the following have you done?

Adjusting the dwell angle on the distributor of your car's engine?
Adjusting the rabbit ears on your TV set
Adjusting a television's horizontal and vertical holds?
Adjusting the tracking on a VCR
Aiming C-band satellite dish?
Aligning the heads on a 9 track tape drive
2" floppy drive?
Assembly Language Programming
Advising someone to use WordPerfect for DOS?

Balancing a checkbook
Balancing the tonearm on a turntable
Banyan Vines?
BBS administration
Blowing the dust out of a Nintendo cartridge
Booting off a floppy disk
Bootloading with binary switches?
Bust apart a long computer printout?
Building a computer from individual components

Car repair
Changing vacuum tubes
Changing the ball or ribbon on your Selectric Typewriter?
Changing the battery of a Sega Dreamcast VMU
Changing the C120 Film Cartridge in your Instamatic camera
Changing the gas mixture on your car's carburetor?
Changing tracks on an eight-track tape
Changing the wheel on a daisy wheel printer?
Cel Painting
Character codes: Baudot?
Character codes: EBCDIC?
Chipping flint or obsidian tools
Churn butter
Cleaning head of a VCR?
Cleaning the balls inside a computer mouse for better traction
Clicking on the up and down arrows of a vertical scrollbar
Connecting to a BBS through an acoustic coupler at 300 baud?
Crew a muzzle loading cannon
Cranking a telephone?

Darkroom photography skills?
Darning a sock
Debugging hexadecimal dumps
Defrosting the Icebox?
Degaussing a CRT monitor
Developing photographic film?
Dialing a rotary phone
Double-speed Tape-to-Tape copying
Double de-clutching?

Extracting square roots
Edit with edlin
Editing AUTOEXEC-BAT and CONFIG-SYS to get as close as possible to 640K of free memory

FAT 16
fdisk <slash>mbr
Fighting for your civil liberties
Finding channels on UHF
Focusing a camera?
Formatting a floppy?
FORTRAN programming - though the logic is still good
Fixing a Disk using a hex editor

Getting off the couch to change channels on your TV set?
Getting TSRs and CD device drivers to load into DOS?
Gluing tubular bicycle tires to rims?
Grilling with charcoal?
Governmental data protection?

Harness a team of oxen?
Hand crank a car to start it?
Having Cash?
Hayes Command Set?
Herding Cats?
Hexadecimal arithmetic in your head?
Hunting a woolly mammoth
Hunting, in general?

Interpolating logarithms?
Inserting a game cartridge at just the right angle to make it work


Killing all the megafauna on a continent
Knapping flint

Laying out magazines using wax and bromides
Lighting a carbide miner's lamp?
Lining up paper on a dot matrix or line printer?
Loading a reel to reel tape drive?
Loading film into a 35 mm camera
Loading film into a 60 mm camera
Loading data from a cassette tape
Long division?
Look for a job in the classifieds?
Looking up a business on the yellow pages
Local Grocery Store?
Low Format a Harddrive?

Making a deer fat poultice?
4" floppy double-sided?
Making a home movie with a cine camera
Making a nail art picture
Making change in shillings and pence
Making electronic tubes
Memory Management
Mounting a Computer Tape by hand?
Morse-coding messages
Mailing in the order form of a catalog?

Navigate by the stars?
Navigating using a compass?
Navigate using a sextant?

Operating an IBM 010 manual key punch?
Operating an IBM 026 electric key punch?
Operating an IBM 029 key punch?
Open and Administrate a Blog?

Painting cave walls?
Paying for something with a check
Punching a hole in the shell of a single-sided 5.25" floppy disc to make it double-sided
Putting a needle on a vinyl record?
Parking a hardisk
Peeling the developer layer off a Polaroid?
Playing solitaire with playing cards?
Programming an analogue car radio
Programming in dBase or Clipper?
Programming in MS Visual Basic?


Ride a penny-farthing bicycle
Reading a Vernier Scale
Replacing Shoe Sole and Heels
hectograph ?
Resolving IRQ conflicts on a mother board
Reading a paper map?
Reading a Sundial?
Remembering telephone numbers?
Remembering keystroke commands in Visicalc?
Removing perforations off fanfold paper so it looks like normal typing paper?
Repairing an 8-track tape cartridge
Repairing small appliances?
Rewind VCR tapes?
Respooling a chewed-up VCR tape or audio cassette?
Reinking a type writer or dot matrix printer ribbon?
Robert Scoble?
Running a mimeograph machine?
Ripping the little holes off the sides of the computer paper?

Taking the tape out of an answering machine to save it?
Searching a card catalog
Sending a letter?
Setting a baud rate?
Setting the timer on a VCR?
Setting type for printing?
Shave with a straight razor?
Slaughtering Small Mammals and Birds
Splicing out damaged portions of a VHS Cassette tape
Stacking a quarter on an arcade game to indicate you have next
Stirring the yellow dye tablet into white margarine to make it look like butter
Swapping plates in a hard drive?

Tape to Tape Video Editing
Testing radio and TV tubes?
Threading a needle
Throwing with an atlatl?
Trim the wick on an oil lamp?
Tuning a radio
Typing and sending a telex?
Typing "open door" and "Ken sent me"?

Untangling the cord of a telephone?
Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-Select-Start in Konami games
Using an adding machine?
Using a Typewriter?
Using a card catalog?
Using a 16 mm film projector?
Using a fountain pen
Using a slide rule
Using a typewriter?
Using a beeper or pager?
Using an abacus?
Using carbon paper to make copies?
Using correction fluid?
Using a fax machine?
Using a flash bulb?
Using a flash cube?
Using a microfiche?
Using a newsreader
Using a pay telephone?
Using a pay toilet?
Using punch cards?
Using 'sacadm' to configure serial ports?
Using a Timing Light?
Using a Log Table?
Using a light pen?
Using a manual choke in cold weather
Using the Dewey Decimal System?
Using the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature
Using the toggle switches on the front of a DataGeneral Nova 1200 to enable in octal the paper tape reader?


Watching a slide show with a slide projector?
Whistling 2600Hz?
Winding a watch or clock?
Winding up loose cassette tape with a pencil eraser before putting the cassette in the deck?
Wire wrapping?

Word processing with markup codes?
Writing email whilst offline and going online to send
Writing using a dip pen?



ZIPping archives across multiple floppy disks
Zmodem to transfer a file?
ZX Spectrum and "R Tape loading error, 0:1"?


  • Map Committee
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Re: You know you're old when......
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 07:42:54 AM »

Especially IDDQD/IDKFA. I've been using them a lot recently.

They should add Press Play On Tape... I've done that.


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Re: You know you're old when......
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 08:06:09 AM »
It would take me less time to type all of the things I havent done on that list then all of the things I have done.......


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Re: You know you're old when......
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2008, 11:45:17 AM »
hi k knack is older than dirt we know this kthx.

Just Kidding <33333


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Re: You know you're old when......
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2008, 11:49:57 AM »


  • Autococker
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Re: You know you're old when......
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2008, 05:57:27 PM »

My personalized list, retaining those that apply.

Adjusting the rabbit ears on your TV set
Adjusting a television's horizontal and vertical holds?
Adjusting the tracking on a VCR
Aiming C-band satellite dish?
2" floppy drive?
Advising someone to use WordPerfect for DOS?
Balancing a checkbook
Balancing the tonearm on a turntable
Blowing the dust out of a Nintendo cartridge
Booting off a floppy disk
Bust apart a long computer printout?
Car repair
Changing the ball or ribbon on your Selectric Typewriter?
Changing the C120 Film Cartridge in your Instamatic camera
Cel Painting
Chipping flint or obsidian tools
Cleaning head of a VCR?
Cleaning the balls inside a computer mouse for better traction
Clicking on the up and down arrows of a vertical scrollbar
Crew a muzzle loading cannon
Cranking a telephone?
Darkroom photography skills?
Defrosting the Icebox?
Degaussing a CRT monitor
Developing photographic film?
Dialing a rotary phone
Double-speed Tape-to-Tape copying
Extracting square roots
Finding channels on UHF
Focusing a camera?
Formatting a floppy?
Getting off the couch to change channels on your TV set?
Gluing tubular bicycle tires to rims?
Grilling with charcoal?
Having Cash?
Hunting, in general?
Inserting a game cartridge at just the right angle to make it work
Lighting a carbide miner's lamp?
Lining up paper on a dot matrix or line printer?
Loading a reel to reel tape drive?
Loading film into a 35 mm camera
Loading film into a 60 mm camera
Long division?
Look for a job in the classifieds?
Looking up a business on the yellow pages
Local Grocery Store?
Making a nail art picture
Memory Management
Morse-coding messages
Mailing in the order form of a catalog?
Navigate by the stars?
Navigating using a compass?
Paying for something with a check
Putting a needle on a vinyl record?
Playing solitaire with playing cards?
Programming an analogue car radio
Replacing Shoe Sole and Heels
Resolving IRQ conflicts on a mother board
Reading a paper map?
Reading a Sundial?
Remembering telephone numbers?
Removing perforations off fanfold paper so it looks like normal typing paper?
Repairing small appliances?
Rewind VCR tapes?
Respooling a chewed-up VCR tape or audio cassette?
Ripping the little holes off the sides of the computer paper?
Taking the tape out of an answering machine to save it?
Searching a card catalog
Sending a letter?
Setting the timer on a VCR?
Setting type for printing?
Slaughtering Small Mammals and Birds
Stacking a quarter on an arcade game to indicate you have next
Tape to Tape Video Editing
Threading a needle
Tuning a radio
Untangling the cord of a telephone?
Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-Select-Start in Konami games   Wasn't it ab ab in Contra?
Using a Typewriter?
Using a 16 mm film projector?
Using a fountain pen
Using carbon paper to make copies?
Using correction fluid?
Using a fax machine?
Using a flash bulb?
Using a flash cube?
Using a microfiche?
Using a newsreader
Using a pay telephone?
Using a pay toilet?
Using punch cards?
Using a light pen?
Using the Dewey Decimal System?
Using the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature
Watching a slide show with a slide projector?
Winding a watch or clock?
Winding up loose cassette tape with a pencil eraser before putting the cassette in the deck?
Word processing with markup codes?
Writing email whilst offline and going online to send
Writing using a dip pen?
ZIPping archives across multiple floppy disks


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2449
Re: You know you're old when......
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2008, 06:01:12 PM »
wow, i can't believe you guys actually went through that whole list...


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2449
Re: You know you're old when......
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2008, 06:09:40 PM »

Adjusting the rabbit ears on your TV set
Adjusting the tracking on a VCR
2" floppy drive?
Assembly Language Programming

Blowing the dust out of a Nintendo cartridge
Booting off a floppy disk
Bust apart a long computer printout?
Building a computer from individual components

Changing vacuum tubes
Changing the ball or ribbon on your Selectric Typewriter?
Changing the battery of a Sega Dreamcast VMU
Cleaning head of a VCR?
Cleaning the balls inside a computer mouse for better traction
Clicking on the up and down arrows of a vertical scrollbar

Focusing a camera?
Formatting a floppy?

Getting off the couch to change channels on your TV set?

Having Cash?

Inserting a game cartridge at just the right angle to make it work

Long division?
Look for a job in the classifieds?
Looking up a business on the yellow pages
Local Grocery Store?

Memory Management

Navigating using a compass?

Open and Administrate a Blog?

Paying for something with a check
Putting a needle on a vinyl record?
Playing solitaire with playing cards?
Programming in MS Visual Basic?

Reading a paper map?
Remembering telephone numbers?
Repairing small appliances?
Rewind VCR tapes?
Ripping the little holes off the sides of the computer paper?

Taking the tape out of an answering machine to save it?
Sending a letter?
Setting the timer on a VCR?
Setting type for printing?
Shave with a straight razor?
Stacking a quarter on an arcade game to indicate you have next

Threading a needle
Tuning a radio

Untangling the cord of a telephone?
Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-Select-Start in Konami games
Using a Typewriter?
Using a fountain pen
Using a typewriter?
Using a beeper or pager?
Using an abacus?
Using correction fluid?
Using a fax machine?
Using a flash bulb?
Using a flash cube?
Using a newsreader
Using a pay telephone?
Using a pay toilet?
Using punch cards?
Using a manual choke in cold weather

Watching a slide show with a slide projector?
Winding a watch or clock?
Winding up loose cassette tape with a pencil eraser before putting the cassette in the deck?

Word processing with markup codes?
Writing email whilst offline and going online to send
Writing using a dip pen?

ZIPping archives across multiple floppy disks
modem to transfer a file?


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Re: You know you're old when......
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2008, 06:31:28 PM »
My List:

Adjusting the dwell angle on the distributor of your car's engine?
Adjusting the rabbit ears on your TV set
Adjusting a television's horizontal and vertical holds?
Adjusting the tracking on a VCR
Aiming C-band satellite dish?
Aligning the heads on a 9 track tape drive
2" floppy drive?
Assembly Language Programming
Advising someone to use WordPerfect for DOS?

Balancing a checkbook
Balancing the tonearm on a turntable
Banyan Vines?
BBS administration
Blowing the dust out of a Nintendo cartridge
Booting off a floppy disk
Bootloading with binary switches?
Bust apart a long computer printout?
Building a computer from individual components

Car repair
Changing vacuum tubes
Changing the ball or ribbon on your Selectric Typewriter?
Changing the C120 Film Cartridge in your Instamatic camera
Changing the gas mixture on your car's carburetor?
Changing tracks on an eight-track tape
Changing the wheel on a daisy wheel printer?
Character codes: Baudot?
Character codes: EBCDIC?
Chipping flint or obsidian tools
Churn butter
Cleaning head of a VCR?
Cleaning the balls inside a computer mouse for better traction
Clicking on the up and down arrows of a vertical scrollbar
Connecting to a BBS through an acoustic coupler at 300 baud?
Cranking a telephone?

Darkroom photography skills?
Darning a sock
Debugging hexadecimal dumps
Defrosting the Icebox?
Degaussing a CRT monitor
Developing photographic film?
Dialing a rotary phone
Double-speed Tape-to-Tape copying

Extracting square roots
Edit with edlin
Editing AUTOEXEC-BAT and CONFIG-SYS to get as close as possible to 640K of free memory

FAT 16
fdisk <slash>mbr
Finding channels on UHF
Focusing a camera?
Formatting a floppy?
Fixing a Disk using a hex editor

Getting off the couch to change channels on your TV set?
Getting TSRs and CD device drivers to load into DOS?
Grilling with charcoal?
Governmental data protection?

Hand crank a car to start it?
Having Cash?
Hayes Command Set?
Hexadecimal arithmetic in your head?
Hunting, in general?

Interpolating logarithms?
Inserting a game cartridge at just the right angle to make it work

Knapping flint

Lighting a carbide miner's lamp?
Lining up paper on a dot matrix or line printer?
Loading a reel to reel tape drive?
Loading film into a 35 mm camera
Loading film into a 60 mm camera
Loading data from a cassette tape
Long division?
Look for a job in the classifieds?
Looking up a business on the yellow pages
Local Grocery Store?
Low Format a Harddrive?

Making a nail art picture
Mounting a Computer Tape by hand?
Morse-coding messages
Mailing in the order form of a catalog?

Navigate by the stars?
Navigating using a compass?

Operating an IBM 026 electric key punch?
Operating an IBM 029 key punch?

Painting cave walls?
Paying for something with a check
Punching a hole in the shell of a single-sided 5.25" floppy disc to make it double-sided
Putting a needle on a vinyl record?
Parking a hardisk
Peeling the developer layer off a Polaroid?
Playing solitaire with playing cards?
Programming an analogue car radio
Programming in MS Visual Basic?


Reading a Vernier Scale
Resolving IRQ conflicts on a mother board
Reading a paper map?
Reading a Sundial?
Remembering telephone numbers?
Remembering keystroke commands in Visicalc?
Removing perforations off fanfold paper so it looks like normal typing paper?
Repairing an 8-track tape cartridge
Repairing small appliances?
Rewind VCR tapes?
Respooling a chewed-up VCR tape or audio cassette?
Reinking a type writer or dot matrix printer ribbon?
Robert Scoble?
Running a mimeograph machine?
Ripping the little holes off the sides of the computer paper?

Taking the tape out of an answering machine to save it?
Searching a card catalog
Sending a letter?
Setting a baud rate?
Setting the timer on a VCR?
Setting type for printing?
Shave with a straight razor?
Splicing out damaged portions of a VHS Cassette tape
Stacking a quarter on an arcade game to indicate you have next
Swapping plates in a hard drive?

Tape to Tape Video Editing
Testing radio and TV tubes?
Threading a needle
Trim the wick on an oil lamp?
Tuning a radio
Typing and sending a telex?
Typing "open door" and "Ken sent me"?

Untangling the cord of a telephone?
Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-Select-Start in Konami games
Using an adding machine?
Using a Typewriter?
Using a card catalog?
Using a 16 mm film projector?
Using a fountain pen
Using a slide rule
Using a typewriter?
Using a beeper or pager?
Using an abacus?
Using carbon paper to make copies?
Using correction fluid?
Using a fax machine?
Using a flash bulb?
Using a flash cube?
Using a microfiche?
Using a newsreader
Using a pay telephone?
Using a pay toilet?
Using punch cards?
Using 'sacadm' to configure serial ports?
Using a Timing Light?
Using a Log Table?
Using a light pen?
Using a manual choke in cold weather
Using the Dewey Decimal System?
Using the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature

Watching a slide show with a slide projector?
Whistling 2600Hz?
Winding a watch or clock?
Winding up loose cassette tape with a pencil eraser before putting the cassette in the deck?
Wire wrapping?

Word processing with markup codes?
Writing email whilst offline and going online to send
Writing using a dip pen?


ZIPping archives across multiple floppy disks
Zmodem to transfer a file?
ZX Spectrum and "R Tape loading error, 0:1"?


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Re: You know you're old when......
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2008, 10:20:40 AM »
Some things Knack has done that aren't on the list:

Communicate via hieroglyphics
Invent the wheel
Ride a dinosaur
Power his car via feet
Hunt wooley mammoths
Survive the ice age

By the way, what's a 2" floppy?  I'm familiar with the 3.5" and 5.21", and even those massive ones (can't remember how big they are exactly), but 2"?


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Re: You know you're old when......
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2008, 11:28:05 AM »

Don't forget unionising Myans and Incas, created landing markers for UFO's, and discovered fire.


  • Autococker
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Re: You know you're old when......
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2008, 03:09:05 AM »
2" floppy drive

The actual disk just wasn't feasible? ;)

Edit: nvm, saw KnacK's link
Edit 2: do not Google Image '2" floppy' with safesearch off :(