Author Topic: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.  (Read 10286 times)


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2005, 03:39:45 AM »
Bain here is the demo I am speaking of and anyone that is so blind they can't see how much of a fool skater is coming into the DP community, playing only 4 months, and ranting on like he actually thinks he is good doesn't even need to be playing the game...  All of us in the GT clan welcomed him into the clan because he showed such promise and really seemed to have great potential.  We really liked him alot and though we hated to see him, Clipz, Mark, and Agent leave to restart TnL we were NOT mad and formed NO opinions based on them leaving GT.  I'll also say that the 4 of you leaving is NOT what sent the GT clan to hell so please don't flatter yourself... That's simply hysterical!!!  I'll also remind ALL of you that none of us are calling out Markk, Clipz or anyone else in the TnL clan.  Skater is simply a legend in his own mind and truly disgracing himself...

I submit what to me is the most conclusive proof of a hacker I've ever seen and beg you to make your own fair judgments and conclusions...

Skater I am 43 FYI and again all your little kiddy attacks simply prove further whose really the ass here...  You have attacked me personally, repeatedly and I'll simply leave it to the DP community to make up their own minds about you.  Your so mad because you have been conclusively proved to be a hacker and what's funny is how bad you are at it as depicted by this demo. You've proved to me that you'll say or do anything to attempt to make me look like the bad one through all this in an effort to take the spotlight off you... There are actually one or 2 people in the DP community that are older than me, a few my age and many very close. Also keep in mind I started playing DP when I was 35 or 36 years old.  To insult the game by calling it a "kiddy game" and acting as if because of my age I have no right to play the game is so laughable...  Who the hell do you think you are coming into this community, playing for 4 months and running at the mouth against those of us that have been here playing this game before you grew hair on your nutts?  When you make statements like this your attacking a whole lot more people in this community than you realize...  Your simply pathetic Shane.

Pink I find it strange that you come in here talking all this s(h)-i-t about a ban that was set on your brother's IP many months ago... For your information there hasn't been a ban set on either one of you for quiet some time.  Pay attention here when I say this again.  I DID NOT BAN YOU, I BANNED YOUR BROTHER AND THE BAN WAS SET WHEN USERS CAME TO ME TELLING ME HE WAS SPEEDHACKING.  I CAME ONTO THE SERVERS AND INDEED HE WAS AND YOU KNOW IT.  THE BAN WAS SET ON HIS IP WHICH UNFORTUNATELY HAPPENS TO BE AN IP THE 2 OF YOU SHARE... HOW COMPLICATED IS THAT??

During that time he was even coming onto IRC bragging about hacking on the servers...  It is also obvious that his behavior at that time earned him a gline from ETG  Nevertheless,  your pitching a b-i-t-c-h about a ban that's not even there and hasn't been for quiet some time so I hope you've enjoyed bringing attention to yourselves.  Also I am curious to know what it is that you think he has contributed to the DP community???

I think I'm a big shot??? Again laughable!!  Although I'll admit I'm not perfect and there have been a few times over the years that I have made mistakes or acted a fool I'll share this...

Many of us found it strange that Snipen continued to pay for the servers however it was pretty much a waste of money because he refused to update the servers and people seldom used them anymore because they did not show up in the alpha's server list.  Sharon paid the other half and begged him to show her how to restart the servers that used to crash all the time.  He blew our repeated requests to update the servers and show her how to restart the servers off all the way through.

Through the entire time he has been gone, Who do you think setup match servers for everyone when he could?? Whose IRC script gave users server information and other information via !triggers?? Who created the GT website and maintained it daily??  Who pushed to bring an actual match server tool back to the community (thanks again blitz), And who finally updated the servers (Thanks to Derrek for showing me a way to do this without root access) and set them up in a way to give the DP community a CHOICE and variety of ways to play??

Over the past year Sharon and I have gone out of our way to give the DP community everything we possibly could and do away with the "Snipen" mentality.  We've spent many months attempting to repair the GT name after the way it was destroyed because of the things he was doing back then.

Amazingly enough there are only a small handful of people that have earned themselves a ban over the many months that Sharon and I have been taking care of the servers.  I'd say we have done a darned good job and those few of you that earned your bans and are here whining about it I can only say WaaaaaH :(  If your going to CUSS US ON our ventrilo, our servers, OR on IRC, speedhack, wallhack or start crap with people in the games WE DON'T WANT YOU ON THE SERVERS WE WORK OUR ASSES OFF TO BRING YOU AND OUR HARD EARNED DOLLAR PAYS FOR.

Remember whose "old asses" are bringing these servers to you to play your "kiddy game" and until you can actually contribute something to this community like simple respect of others I suggest you be quiet or else go buy your own server.  Oh and stop insulting the intelligence of the veterans of this game... Your making fools of yourselves.

Have a nice day



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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2005, 08:05:09 AM »
I had no input into this conversation until the "age card" was drawn...tsk tsk.

How on earth can anyone use age in an argument here? You younger folks, that absolutely love this game, should be saying, "darn I hope I can ENJOY gaming when i'm older like that!" Playing this game, as an older individual, takes alot of effort due to the sheer ammount of responsibilities we carry at our geriatric ages. That, my friend, is a deep love for gaming.

Put the "age card" away. daughter wants to go jump on her trampoline so i'll be back with more later.


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2005, 08:34:14 AM »
Lol, just cause I respect s8n ill leave age out of this. But doug, you HAD NO PROOF THAT I WAS HACKING ON YOUR darnED SERVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You dont just ban someone based on what you think! WOW! I could care less how long you have been playing and how old you are, BIG FUC*ING DEAL!  So let me get this straight, Just cause Ive wall hacked one time makes me a hacker in every single game I play? Lmfao. And for you to say YOU did anything for this communitee is BS, you didnt pay for the servers, you didnt pay for the vent server, the only thing you did is lead a clan and a website. CONGRATZ!  I have more respect for Snipen then you, and thats sad.  If you think I hack in every game I play I feel sorry for you, I can send you about 50 demos and you will see no hacks.  I can send you demos from all the matches recently, and you will see no hacks. Im sorry you feel that way, but you just cant handle getting your ass handed to you from time to time.  And no I dont think im 'good' I just think I'm decent for the amount of time Ive been playing, I dont see anythnig wrong with that, do you? 


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2005, 08:52:01 AM »
I dunno why you stopped after banning SkateR, if you hadn't gotten bored of the demo you could've gotten more.  I don't even know why they wasted the demo on SkateR, he's not even worth the effort.  I wish more people would start posting demos like these.  When Blitz and I dealt with these sorts of things, I think we banned a duration of 3 months for first time offenses and permanently for second time offenses.


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« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2005, 09:37:54 AM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 11:06:44 PM by IronFist »


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2005, 11:39:12 AM »
Skater first of all they're not "my darned servers" they're OURS as a public.  Secondly you are correct!!!  I certainly don't "just" ban someone based on what I think... I ban them based on what I see with my own 2 eyes and how they act.

Although I have repeatedly cammed you in games and caught you hacking I NEVER said I think you hack in EVERY game but I will say you use it often.  Nevertheless, lemme set you straight...  While you deserve a ban for hacking on the servers, your ban was set because of the large gaping hole in front of your face.

You made the huge mistake of cussing the very person who does pay for the servers along with calling her names in open channel. You did the same to me both in open channel and in PM.  You ranted like a little b-i-t-c-h in several channels denying this demo was proof you hacked and anyone who agreed the demo proved you hacked got a royal cussing both on IRC and here in open forum. Thank you for clarifying the fact you do hack.

You claim you could care less how long I've been playing and how old I am yet you were the one that childishly threw out the age card... Amazing! All a person had to do is sit back, watch and listen to you on these forums and on IRC...  You've contradicted yourself with every statement you've made about the fact you hack, this game, those of us who play it and now the age thing lol.

What's sad is that Sharon whom pays for half the servers and I who has maintained the servers along with ventrilo, the IRC channels, the website, and the clan have indeed contributed to the DP community where you have contributed nothing and for a hell of a lot longer than you've been around.  You don't cuss and call the very people names who provide the very servers you play on and expect to be allowed to enjoy them.  That, my foolish little friend, is how you earned your ban so you can lose the hilarious mis conception that you were banned because you hahahahaha "handed me my ass" hahaha If you can lift it then more power to ya lmao!

I get ownt all the time and if I were like Snipen those who were beating me in a game would drop off like flies via viewgibs, kicks, bans or everyone in a game would pay through a quick map change without warning while those of us playing on vent with him would be cussed out, ridiculed and screamed at for not playing the game the way he thought we ought to be playing it.  His own sister, people he had the audacity to call his friends, and the entire DP public, no matter what their age, would be chastised if they happened to get in his way, grab his supplies, get ahead of him in the game or win against him.

It doesn't suprise me that you would be the caliber of person that would respect someone like Snipen and it no longer matters wether you respect those of us who have wasted all our personal time and money to bring servers to people like you because we've lost all respect for you too...  

Bain I hope this clarifies the actual reason Skater was banned and yes we saw the others in that demo that were using lol I have to say that one should be on "DP's funniest home demos"

It wasn't his hack that got him banned... it was his mouth.  People hack all the time on the servers and have since the beginning of time... It seems to be part of the game and is expected but no one is going to provide a place for a person to enjoy the game and have that same person cuss and call us names.

Banning for 3 months is a long time... I would have withdrawl symptoms after a week.  Skater's ban has been set now for what... 2 weeks and the more he continues with this behavior the longer it will be before the ban is lifted.  

Right now I feel you could not have said it better when you made the statement, "...he's not even worth the effort."

Ironfist again I find it strange that you and Pink choose now to bring up a ban that has been gone for a long time...  The proof at that time was the fact that the public came to me on IRC and that I came directly to the server and witnessed it with my own eyes along with the fact that you admitted it at that time on IRC...  You seemed to enjoy boasting about being able to do it and made statement that maybe we need to update the servers so that it is harder for people to use hacks.  I appreciate your honesty and must add that I should not have allowed your ban to stay on as long as it did.  One thing I can say for you is at least you haven't disrespected us with cussing and name calling at least that I can remember but I could have killed those brain cells with Jim Beam Black.  Nevertheless, I have no beef with you or Pink and your welcome on the servers. 

The Classics are set old school so they are the most hackable.  The pubs require Build 10 or above so Q2 users can't get on and use frkq2.  Unfortunately, I have no idea how to block the clearwall hacks for the standalone like Penix

Have a great day  ;D



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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2005, 12:27:56 PM »
Lol love you too babe


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2005, 12:40:33 PM »
HO LY excrement. YOU ADMIT to wallhacking which in essance means YOU have the capability mentallity to run hacks in game. you deserve to be banned and off the record when i accused you of hacking i had no idea that you had admitted to it in the past. i accused you souly of what i have seen of you playing e.t.c even when you didnt know i was there the demo that was recorded was played back through a wallhacked computer (not mine, dont be silly) and was seen on a few occasions to be "following" players with your crosshair. either way, i dont seenw hy you have to bring this to a public forum other than to beg for attention and provide a place for other tallentless and likeminded "friends" of yours to also insult and degrade what i see as one of the most fair, non-judgemental and one of the most hardworking vetrans of the dp commune.

as another section of the forum says "NO ONE cares about people hacking, cos no-one will do anything about it." so lets just leave this excrement where it is. further more, i advise you not to reply to this cos i dont want you to look anymore childish and pathetic than you have already proven yourself to be.



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« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2005, 02:55:58 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 02:53:59 AM by P!nk »


  • Stingray
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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2005, 03:26:28 PM »
Jitspoe is camping, but he will be back sometime today i think.


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #30 on: October 30, 2005, 03:26:52 PM »
Whoops UPDATE it seems that all my hard work and efforts have gone to waste.  Skater you and your pathetic little side kicks have won over the heart of the all mighty and legendary SNIPEN.  He has removed my complete access to all the pub servers so I can't even change a map on there.  In doing so he has removed Sandman's as well.  Now Sharon and Snipen are the only ones that have the passwords.  It's ok though I predicted this as soon as SNIPEN started coming back on ventrilo.  We'll do all the hard work to build the servers up to where people actually can enjoy them again and then along comes SNIPEN to tear it all down.  Little by little he'll chip away at all the good that we've done to make the servers better and inevitably he'll run the servers back into the ground as he did before.  The fall and demise of GT falls at his feet. Right off the bat he proved to us that he hasn't changed a bit by verbally attacking his own sister, ProFalcon, and Loial because of the way they played in a game... screaming and yelling at them just like he's done to many of us in the past on ventrilo along with changing maps without first asking people and before the maps was finished.  Of course he denies any wrong doing and obviously has no remorse for the way he has treated any of us throughout the time the GRaFFiTTi servers have been up.

Good luck to the whole DP community getting anything done if you need help with the servers or have any requests because the servers are no longer here for your pleasure...  They're here for SNIPEN to serve whatever mood he might be in at the time...  

Yes... I know... he pays half but nevermind the fact that Sharon pays the other half. She'll ONLY be allowed the power he chooses for her to have as long as it serves HIS PURPOSE and sadly, because she hates conflict and he is her brother she will submit to whatever whim he may have at the time but what's new?? Nothing has changed where SNIPEN is concerned and he's proved it time after time over the year and a half the servers and the GT clan have been around.

For the record Skater you'll go down in this community as a disgrace and there is a spot on "The Wall of Shame" for Digital Paintball right next to SNIPEN's for you...

May you and Snipen be blessed in life as you've blessed others in this community and rest assured that eventually behaviors like the ones you've shared with us through this regretful situation will come back and bite you in the ass.  In other words "what comes around, goes around"

I hope your happy kid...


P.S Quake IV Anyone?? lol Oh and Pinky... agreed   ;D

Also last I heard Jitspoe went camping...


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #31 on: October 30, 2005, 03:48:23 PM »
I never asked for Snipen to change admin pw, I only asked him to unban me from vent, so thats between you and him.


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #32 on: October 30, 2005, 04:16:04 PM »
shut up skater... stop being a kitty and causing unecessary drama... same goes for GT admins.


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2005, 04:39:22 PM »
hey nxe whats good man?


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #34 on: October 30, 2005, 05:52:09 PM »
Lol nXe..

And as for my statement when i said "just cause Ive wall hacked one time makes me a hacker in every single game I play?" notice the ONE TIME part, and I didnt hack during that match against cF.  I tried a wallhack on some server, dont even know whos it was, i think some german one, and it just effed my game up. Made it all dark, I couldnt use it.  So before everyone sends me messages saying "OMG YOU HACK ALL THE TIME!!?!?!?!!!!?" read what I said again.


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #35 on: October 30, 2005, 05:55:44 PM »
Hahahaha!!! This is Priceless but no longer worthy of comment  :-X


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« Reply #36 on: October 30, 2005, 06:13:10 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 01:09:44 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #37 on: October 30, 2005, 06:15:39 PM »
Since when do you get to call yourself an authority?  All you do is make maps with lights in the ground.


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Re: Wow banned from GT servers for no reason.
« Reply #38 on: October 30, 2005, 06:44:08 PM »
lol Xbain..
DT is right. If GT does lose the match servers.. DP will be struggling.


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« Reply #39 on: October 30, 2005, 07:33:46 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 01:09:35 AM by Dirty_Taco »