Author Topic: An idea: The real capture the flag!  (Read 1415 times)


  • 68 Carbine
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An idea: The real capture the flag!
« on: October 30, 2005, 04:05:10 PM »
I dont know, after being suckered in to playing a game of capture the flag a few days ago with all my little cousins, it gave me a good idea for a game type. Basically when all my younger cousins play, they play with a setup like this:

8 People to a team (yeah, i have that many cousins :S)
1 Flag each side, and we normally split up the boundarys, so one team gets from the middle of the house to the front yard, and the other gets from themiddle of the house to the backyard.

They play so that if your on say the blue team, and you cross the boundarys into the red team, your now a prime target for the blue team to tag you and put you in jail. However, if they dont tag you, than you can run around the yard looking for the hidden flag until the team DOES tag you. Once you locate the flag and your out of jail, you grab the flag and run back to your side and yell something like "woot i win" "oh yeah, you all owe me your ice cream at dessert tonight!" or something like "I got the flag!", keep in mind you have to flip out and wail your arms in the air.

Now, a way this could work in dp, would be, the map creator sets 2 boundarys. Say, the blue side and red side.   Now, say a blue team member goes on the red side, now there gun is no longer functional and it will not work until there back on there side. If a red member shoots the blue member with there paintball gun (no high style guns, im talking about you all get trracers and pgps, and if the map creator is feeling nice, than maybe a bronze barrel and a stingray) than the blue member is sent to a jail, where another blue member must shoot that blue member, with there gun to get them out of jail.

The map creator could maybe, set 5-10 different hiding spots, where a flag would be on each side, once the enemy took the flag, they would have to make it back to there side without being shot, but at this point, once they grabbed the flag, the team whose flag is in possesion, all gets auto mags :P

Good Idea? Bad Idea? Stupid? Awesome? Die and fall off the face of the earth combat?


  • Autococker
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Re: An idea: The real capture the flag!
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2005, 04:20:35 PM »
I like the 'multiple hiding spots' idea, but the diffrent zones wouldn't work, due to the nature of the game.


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Re: An idea: The real capture the flag!
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2005, 04:31:35 PM »
This could play out like the current siege(running out of the base once you've recovered the flag) except both teams get a chance to attack for flag, and obviously no suicides when crossing boundaries.  I think it would be neat to allow players to drop the flag somewhere so that they could do the hiding themselves.  Maybe assign the flag to a player each round randomly and have give them 15 seconds to hide flag(or have it drop the flag for them after their time expires).  If the flag hider tries to cross the boundary into the other team's side, he gets perm banned for 368 years.  Of course this would lead to things much like boost-planting in Counter Strike, so maybe you give the flag hider the field to himself for 15 seconds and then have him respawn with his team to start the round.  Possibly his teammates could auto chase-cam him while he hid the flag so they'd have a better idea oh how to defend their base.
A couple things to clear up might be how people get released from jail.  Would this be the 60 second respawn time that DP currently uses?  What if all players become eliminated from one team?

Cool idea.


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Re: An idea: The real capture the flag!
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2005, 12:11:55 PM »
Quasi-random flag placement is already possible through quake2's entities.  I was experimenting with this on the canyonism map I worked on.  Just use a bunch of flag entities with the same "team" value, and it will randomly pick one of those locations to spawn.  Giving players the ability to plant the flag would probably be very problematic.  You'd have to worry about the newbie players who have no clue what's going on as well as the super skilled jumpers who could potentially place the flag in a location nobody else could reach.  Also, if the attackers can't shoot, people could place the flag in a location where they could literally make an impenetrable wall of bodies to prevent offense from grabbing the flag.

Jailbreaks are also possible, though not in the way you describe.  There's an entity that can turn jailed players into live players.  Hobo has made use of this in his routez map.