Author Topic: Primed Grenades  (Read 8236 times)


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Primed Grenades
« on: October 31, 2005, 05:43:25 PM »
In past discussions about impact vs. timed grenades, people have suggested primable timed grenades.  The basic idea is this: Instead of instantly throwing a timed grenade which explodes after 2 seconds, giving the enemy ample time to get away, you can prime the grenade and hold it for a portion of those 2 seconds, during which you cannot shoot.  For example, you could prime the grenade for 1 second, and it would explode 1 second after you release it.  If you hold the grenade for the full 2 seconds, it will explode and eliminate you.  In fact, to prevent cheap tactics, I think it would be best to have it so primed grenades can always eliminate the thrower.

Please give detailed responses as to why you think primed grenades would or would not work well.  Include hypothetical scenarios if you can.


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« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2005, 05:56:40 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 11:06:23 PM by IronFist »


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2005, 05:58:27 PM »
Hey Jits,

This sounds like the probably best solution for greandes.

Its better than normal timed grens, and u cannot throw impact grenades, except ur freaky enough to hold it 1.9 seconds.

But if u try this and fail, ur dead, so most people  wont try it which reduces the use of impact like grenades.

Best thing would be to test it ingame.


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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2005, 06:03:49 PM »
How will the release of the grenade work exactly? If it's pushing a key twice, newbies can't handle this and will eliminate them everytime they throw a grenade. Not quite newbie-friendly ;)

But I like this solution!


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2005, 06:09:15 PM »
I think he means, let"g" be ur tossgren button,if u hold it 0.1 seconds the gren will explode after 1.9 seconds.
If u hold it 1.9 seconds, it will explode after 0.1 secodns.

If u push the key for 2 seconds, ur dead :P


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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2005, 06:09:38 PM »
Well, there are two ways I see that it could be done:

1) Bind a key to something like +tossgren.  When you press the key down, it starts priming, when you lift the key up, it throws.  This would effectively be the same as the old tossgren key with the exception that you could hold the key down longer to prime it more.  A quick press and release would be the exact same thing as the old timed grenades.

2) Switch to the grenade and press the mouse button (or whatever your +attack key is).  Pressing down primes the grenade, releasing fires it.


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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2005, 06:10:48 PM »
Well in America's army, (yes again) primed grenades offer the largest advantage.

 You toss timed gren, grenades lands click click click boom. In those few seconds you have a great chance of escaping the blast radius. Highly ineffective.

  You toss a grenade set to explode on impact this ruins any chance of ricochet the gren and having it exploded where you want.

Siege Castle,

I have just climbed spiral stairs and jumped off said stairs and is going for cap, but wait we all know some one is camping that flag. In this case with instaburst I can't reach that person with my instaburst due to it not bouncing as well as one that can be cooked. Or if I have used a timed grenade allthough I can toss to the most effective area this gives the enemy precious few seconds to leave blast area of effect. I assume with a cooked grenade I can not only bounce the grenade off objects further than I could with an impact,  but also time it to where perhaps the enemy will have unless chance to escape as with a timed grenade.

On top of all this I dont know but perhaps a sound file associated with the toss of grenades.

This goes with smokes 2, No reason I cant go around holding a smoke grenade while its smokeing.

You would cook by holding down fire button and then toss by letting go. Just like any other FPS with cooked grens.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2005, 06:12:41 PM »
well yeah mouse1 (+attack) would be cool.

So u can keep moving with ur left hand (w,a,s,d, and ur jump key).


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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2005, 06:18:24 PM »
Switching between gun and grenades would be cool. This will make paintball more CS like.

btw: Can you add an animation for throwing a nade? Because throwing a grenade right from your chest without using hands looks kinda wierd.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2005, 06:22:50 PM »
Switching between gun and grenades would be cool.

This will make paintball more CS like.
Uhm, i hope dp is NEVER getting like CS. If u want to play cs, play it, but dp is hopefully never getting like it.

The idea is great for dp as its reduces the power of greandes, not that its becmoe more cs like.


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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2005, 06:25:26 PM »
I meant, getting a grenade by pushing a key and then throwing this nade with +attack IS like CS. There are so many differences between Paintball and CS...


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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2005, 06:32:10 PM »
Haha, I hadn't thought about smoke grenades, but it would be pretty funny for people to run around with smoke bombs going off in their hand.


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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2005, 06:36:28 PM »
But it would be pretty funny for people to run around with smoke bombs going off in their hand.
They all die because of smoke poisoning :D


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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2005, 06:40:49 PM »
Run over grenade, pick up grenade. Once the grenade is selected via the toss gren (which in effect brings grenade out of your slot an into your hands, you would need to hit toss green to reholster grenade. And using the attack button to throw also prohibits the use of the gun. Once ready to throw  consult the book
" And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.' "

Five should be thy count. 


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2005, 06:41:02 PM »
U said it MAKES dp more CS LIKE.

But thats not the right palce to discuss it because this thread is so much important for the gameplay in paintball.

So lets keep ontopic.

Im looking forward to the "new skill" mentioned by iron, so u can let them explode where ever u want it to be,whiche makes up new possibilities like reaching  campers in some spots , and letting the grenade explode where it wasnt possible wit himed or impact grenades.


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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2005, 06:45:39 PM »
Im looking forward to the "new skill" mentioned by iron, so u can let them explode where ever u want it to be,whiche makes up new possibilities like reaching campers in some spots , and letting the grenade explode where it wasnt possible wit himed or impact grenades.
My point thanks, for making it better said.


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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2005, 07:01:40 PM »
Does anybody have a picture of a real timed paintball grenade?  TiGeR (the guy who made castle1) talked about them ("cans o' whoopass" is what they were nicknamed), but I've never been able to find anything other than the tube/water balloon style impact grenades.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2005, 07:22:39 PM »
well i didnt find anything usefull too, execpt this,

maybe it helps u, maybe it doesent :)

Oh lol, if this is like grens will look like, lmao :P

but itisn a timed gren...
« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 07:54:09 PM by Matze »


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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2005, 08:40:19 PM »
jitspoe if someone can get access tippman has authentic military gear inky with paint,  This the best so far
demo idk>  look at it


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Re: Primed Grenades
« Reply #19 on: October 31, 2005, 08:57:57 PM »
Still pressurized paint in tubes that goes off on impact.  From the link you posted:

The earliest paintball hand grenades were actually explosive devices that used a charge to blast paint in every direction. Obviously, safety and insurance considerations (not to mention risk of wildfires) put a quick end to these pyrotechnic play toys.

I guess they don't make them like that anymore.

Edit: found one: -- kinda dull looking. :\