My new map, finally my real first map (other last map was only train for me...).
Crash Valley" is medium/large map, rocky/grassy type.
There are 2 team (Blue and Red) and 2 flag/Team. 5 point/flag
There are:-1 main way.
-1 way by back door.
-2 way up to go mid.
-3 way to go to 2nd flag.
-3 (4) to go to the first flag.
Gun: 2 Carbine, 2 Vm-68, 1 Spyder, 4 automag and 1 autockoker / Team
I tried to do cool terrain with sometimes tricks, many possibility to grabs flags.
Sky are arctic sky.
Few screen:
First Flag2nd FlagMidI let's you discover other way of my map:
To download it: Beta_1: So, my map have more ways, good gameplay (?), 2 flags.
Only 1 problems are R_speeds.
R_speeds suck sometime :/ (between 10 and 1000, but sometimes 2000/4000).
I don't know yet how have low r_speeds.
I know there are maybe little bugs on it, but i tried to repair all bugs when i saw them.
And i know many people are thinking about i'm not good to creat map, because they know only 2 map of me,
so i hope this one will be nice to these peoples.
Don't attack this map like others.
But If you have idea of new way, or do somethings better, say it, and i will try to do it.
"Then attack Sawy cause I Do this way"