Well, got my first ever wallhack today just to make the odds even, can you say "congratulations pinobot", see you 'round.
Good job. I'll still own you with that newbie poop on. Wallhacking just makes you stupid. It's bad enough you already know nothing, and have no skill what so ever.. now you're just killing the chance of ever learning. If you're good and start wallhacking, you lose your game smarts. If you blow, you'll probably get a tad better because you see everyone, but you're learning nothing. You'll still lose to people who are half decent.
If GT doesn't ban this guy, I dunno what to say. People wallhack openly and GT doesn't give a crap. It's sad. eR33t was the only clan that actually banned hackers from their server. GT let ganja wallhack 24/7.
PS - pinobot.. get aimbots, wallhacks, whatever your newbie ass can find, and lets 1v1. You'll still get massacred.
D out.