If you haven't already, please read my tutorial on making custom crosshairs:, taking from that tutorial I have created a cool way to have continual notification which hand your gun is in. I don't know about your setup, but mine doesn't show a gun in my hand no matter what hand I use, and that can be confusing at times.
Here we go: Using the tutorial above and create TWO custom crosshairs. Place some kind of markings on each crosshair so one shows you the gun is in you right hand, the other one shows you the gun is in your left (do a third if you use center when switching hand). I put a small (4 square pixel) dot in the lower corner. I made the square different colors so it would be visible against any background. Ok now you need a config to do the work.
bind MOUSE3 "h1" // mid mouse button to switch hands
alias h1 "echo (R);hand 0;seta crosshair 20;bind MOUSE3 h2"
alias h2 "echo (L);hand 1;seta crosshair 22;bind MOUSE3 h1"
What it does:
When I press my mouse wheel I see either (R) or (L) on the screen where chat and stuff go. No one sees it but me because of the "echo" command. Then "hand 0 or hand 1" switch the gun to the right or left. Then "seta crosshair 20 or seta crosshair 22" switches to the proper custom crosshair. Finally, "bind MOUSE3 h2 or bind MOUSE3 h1" changes the bind so I can cause the opposite action to occur with each press.
Using the information above you should be able to easily accomplish hand notification on you screen. With a little modification it can be used to switch between all three hand placements.
Have fun!
Here's my crosshairs if anyone just wants to be lazy: