Y cant u just make a new build and fix everything cuz ur firkin up pb2 wait until everybody leaves
And can u please help me with u and s flags PLZ
My god- this man is a genius! This game isn't the absolutely incredibly mind-blowing experience it could be because jitspoe hasn't been making new builds in which he
fixes everything. And all this time we thought 'frikin up pb2' was the answer. My friend, this post will truly act as the platform for this games development from now on. Everyone in the Paintball community has much to owe to you.
On the second issue, if you had used the search button as anyone smarter than a retarded monkey would have, you might have noticed that your question has been answered at least five to ten times already. I would direct you to a few posts, but I've at least some confidence in your ability to read and follow instructions at the first-grade level. Good luck.