Hey i've been around, just really busy.
Been watching all the kick ass photos...awesome pics of your girl Cola!!!
I do have a bunch of pics to share though...
[img width=689 height=706]http://kcharron.net/stuff/img0746.jpg[/mg]
[img width=779 height=673]http://kcharron.net/stuff/img0752.jpg[img]
[img width=603 height=681]http://kcharron.net/stuff/img0753.jpg[ig]
[img width=972 height=648]http://kcharron.net/stuff/img0754.jpg[mg]
[img width=901 height=825]http://kcharron.net/stuff/img0761.jpgimg]
[img width=761 height=737]http://kcharron.net/stuff/img0762.jpg[/mg]
[img width=498 height=690]http://kcharron.net/stuff/img0749.jpg[/ig]
[img width=648 height=972]http://kcharron.net/stuff/img0750.jpg[/ig]
[img width=647 height=430]http://kcharron.net/stuff/img0758.jpg[/ig]
[img width=972 height=648]http://kcharron.net/stuff/img0760.jpg[/mg]
LOL goofing off with this one...
[img width=972 height=648]http://kcharron.net/stuff/img0759.jpg[/mg]
GREAT STUFF! i was wondering where you've been. haha. had to keep this thread up myself. lol.
colors are very vibrant and real. great shots, again.
i've been tinkering with desaturation myself, as you can tell. i kinda like it.
i wish she was my daughter, but she's actually my niece. she follows me everywhere. haha.