Your mapping skills have improved a lot since some of your earlier maps. I noticed your _b2 download was still named _b1.bsp. I uploaded it to the beta server as that. A few things I noticed:
- Some of the colored tile boxes aren't quite aligned correctly (if you use a 32 grid and scale the texture exactly 2, you should be able to do away with slight misalignments. From there you can lock the texture and move the box wherever).
- The hole in the wall doesn't match up with the brick texture. Looks kind of weird.
- The little stones sticking out up to the ledge are misaligned on the red side. They could also stand to stick out a little more.
- The jump pads, or at least the triggers, need to be scooted back a little bit so you can't hit your head on the platform. It would also be nice if they angled in toward the platform instead of just bouncing you up and down.