coLa: I've hard a lot of talk from one of my prof's about adding CA40 to his gas tank and getting 10-12% better fuel efficiency, do you know anything about it?
How does everyone feel about the gas prices?
Gas prices have been falling. The most I ever paid was $3.99 for regular but for the past 3 weeks its been around $3.91
I've heard rumors that gas will be dropping. But, That is doubtful.Cheapest I have seen gas was just today.It was $3.84. Its kind of funny when people see it drop from 3.99 to that and think, "Oh, What a deal!". Wish it was at $1.10 a gallon like it was when i started pumping gas.
Ethanol SUCK!Now with that beign said, I'd loveto punch the guys lights out who thought it would be a great idea.1 year ago I averaged $6.00 per 50 pound bag of horse feed. Now, I'm paying over $10.00 per bag.WHy? It has CORN in it......And yet we still offer subsidies to grow corn.......Wonder why the price of beef, milk, cheese have gone up?THey all come from cows....THEY EAT CORN!!!The same people that want ethanol want CFL's...GUess what?CFL's are considered HAZARD WASTE!You can't toss one in the garbage!Legaly, you have to call a hazmat company to dispose of it.God help you if you break one.....* KnacK could ramble on and on about this..........