Ok, thanks. making ladders is more complicated than I thought.
Also, I will be using this as somewhat of a progress log. Heres what I did today:
Day 2
-Map resized. Turned on MPH and went to combat hall, and found it was WAY offscale.
-hallway(1st floor) completely finished. Attributes include slightly lowered floor, open slit in second part of wall, and lighted "doorway".
-Ladder replaced by chain link fence. Ladder will probably be introduced in the "full detail" version, which will come out after I get the main arena finished, compiled, lighted, and uploaded.
-2nd floor ledge 1 almost complete. Minor detailing work on rim of upper floor.
-realized there is a "3rd story ledge" near the ceiling that wont be rechable. The will be fairly easy to complete.