So why did Iron post, if the matter is settled.
You can get by with a mistake once in awhile. But if you do the mistake then say you got unpunished, which is the obvious, you deserve the punishment more than anyone.
There is more than hacking that happens on GT servers that goes unpunished. For instance inflammatory verbal abuse. What that is OK? We all agree its as hurtful if not more so than cheating. One is a lack of gaming ethics the other is inherent behavior disorder and usually can not be controlled by the offending party, its in their nature to think being an excretory opening is cool. So what GT now bans half of this community, I for one would like to see it happen? Notice I did not single any one person or clan out. Nor am I implying cheaters should not go unpunished.
I've already talked to Sharon a couple weeks ago. She was aware of Clipz's activities. I still see no reason why GT should be so cold-hearted as to think only of themselves
You mean I missed your sexy voice on vent? To my next point. Clearly they are not thinking about only themselves. The servers are not password locked, in fact they are open to the public for free, bans are few and far between and view gibs are almost null. They forgive or ignore immature flames, to a point. Calling Sharon cold hearted is about an incorrect statement as I have witnessed here. Nipper on the other hand is about as nice as Lucifer. He knows it and it does not bother him. So posting in either case is not helping infact its inflammatory.
But it's their servers. That isn't the point. The point is that Clipz is the third to do this, apologize, and get accepted by Sharon. What is to keep yet another person from doing it
Good point. Address her again, if you need help ask. I am curious though was she rude to you in any way? Did she make fun of anyone while speaking to her? This is what she has to put up with on a daily basis, she deserves credit and respect.
If Sharon thinks an apology is enough, fine. But I don't think she realizes how much it hurts the community.
It is not her that is hurting this community by forgiving actually its just the opposite, think by forgiving daily not just the cheating but the personal remarks we all have heard, she is setting a good example not a bad one.
Again its posts like these (nothing personal iron/pink) that further divide us against hackers, whom by the way are the parties responsible for hurting the community along with flamers not Sharon or GT.