Author Topic: Thread split  (Read 9846 times)


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Thread split
« on: December 29, 2005, 10:11:47 AM »
Hey jitspoe i know I'm more then likely going to be added to the global ban list. You know i have spent my own money a couple of years ago to put servers so people could play this game.... people didn't appreciate it so i took them down. even if you do get this global ban list going isn't that like you "running" other peoples servers? They pay the money you don't.

I want jitspoe to respond no one else!
Thank you


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Re: jitspoe's .plan
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2005, 11:22:14 AM »


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Re: jitspoe's .plan
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2005, 11:30:58 AM »
be quiet man
I'm fairly certain most everyone can see your attempt at manipulating the system in order to preserve your life in the DP community.
I've heard you have already whined and cried to some server admins with some success.

Face the fact:
1) You are not a newb
2) You cheated in a match
3) Your attitude about it when caught was crap
4) You have blatantly scoffed at this community claiming it's inability to do anything about you cheating.

I seriously look forward to the day an effective global ban system is put into place.
And I look forward to the day you are on that list and effectively removed from any participation in DP.

You screwed up with no must pay. Move on to a new game...try CS.


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Re: jitspoe's .plan
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2005, 11:48:01 AM »
I suspect if you'd apologized to the community and Jitspoe, you wouldn't be in such a mess. Instead, you attempted to justify your actions.


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Re: Thread split
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2005, 01:04:36 PM »
I split this topic because it does not have anything to do with my .plan and is more than likely going to turn into a flamefest that needs to be locked.  I think S8NSSON outlined the situation pretty well.  I also need to set a precedent.  If I let somebody who openly cheated in a match, got caught, and showed no remorse get away with it, what does that say to the rest of the community?

Cheating is a problem in the game, and as a developer, it is my duty to fix problems.  Numerous other attempts have shown us it's not possible to remove cheats, so we're left with catching and punishing cheaters.  You've been caught.


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Re: Thread split
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2005, 01:37:27 PM »
as i said what are you going to do to the people who do run your global ban? im saying YOU cant stop it you will not be able to stop people from playing this is your and er33ts little game because you think you rule the world.... correct me if im wrong but you guys are just as bad as anyone else. And the only reason i got mad i dont care about getting excrement on for cheating ya know. Thats one thing but to make fun of someone to make yourself feel better (digi taco smokey skater and the rest of you) is quite pathetic and makes me and alot of people think you might be alittle insacure about your selfs in life... we know your self esteem gets built off it but get a life... its har dot say but nothing can help you guys now as some one put it earlier not even a woman


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Re: Thread split
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2005, 01:55:21 PM »
I agree that the flaming/making fun of was uncalled for.


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Re: Thread split
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2005, 03:10:21 PM »
I've heard you have already whined and cried to some server admins with some success.

Please explain s8n. If you talking about skater smokey and boomer that wasnt my choice i just agreed. I was on ventrillo and i was pulled down to the administration room and they said hey clipz did you hear about this picture that skater posted on us. telling the truth i said no. I go the link from derrek and he said smokey, skater and boomer were posting it around and sharon saw skater and boomer talking in the lounge she went up there as she joined boomer said sketer delete it and poof the picted was taken off the website... then skater denied putting it up there when smokey had confurmed he did. Boomer said he didnt either he said he was telling skater to delete a topic in the private channel which i find very unlikly. Then i got derrek to tell them that i didnt bring up anything with gt. GT came to ME i answered honest.... its their fault dont blame me s8n. Your getting alittle 2 faced there arnt ya? i was teaching you some jumps and now your on my ass please explain why. Please let s8n answer this not half of the community.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Thread split
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2005, 03:11:38 PM »
ask s8n said, you cheated. you got caught. pay the price. Its like cheating in other games such as CS, Valve/Steam detects it and you're banned. No if's and's or but's about it. Grow up kid.


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Re: Thread split
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2005, 03:17:14 PM »
I've heard you have already whined and cried to some server admins with some success.

Please explain s8n. If you talking about skater smokey and boomer that wasnt my choice i just agreed. I was on ventrillo and i was pulled down to the administration room and they said hey clipz did you hear about this picture that skater posted on us. telling the truth i said no. I go the link from derrek and he said smokey, skater and boomer were posting it around and sharon saw skater and boomer talking in the lounge she went up there as she joined boomer said sketer delete it and poof the picted was taken off the website... then skater denied putting it up there when smokey had confurmed he did. Boomer said he didnt either he said he was telling skater to delete a topic in the private channel which i find very unlikly. Then i got derrek to tell them that i didnt bring up anything with gt. GT came to ME i answered honest.... its their fault dont blame me s8n. Your getting alittle 2 faced there arnt ya? i was teaching you some jumps and now your on my ass please explain why. Please let s8n answer this not half of the community.

Jesus I could not understand any of that.

And as for you getting us three banned you were the bigger part of it. You automatically told them "SKATER MADE IT ZOMG" then you go and ban me from every mIRC chan youre opped in. Grow up, I idle in those chans for a reason just cause you don't like me doesnt mean you can just ban me.


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Re: Thread split
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2005, 03:41:06 PM »
Kid? im not a kid im an adult mature unlike you


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Re: Thread split
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2005, 05:34:16 PM »
You sure type like a kid...


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Re: Thread split
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2005, 06:04:16 PM »
Uhh clipz you moronic idiot.

The WHOLE gt incedent was over you crying. AND NOT once did i say skater made it.

You kept asking me in private messages and what did i say??

I dont know who the intercourse made it so be quiet.

ty clipz


  • PGP
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Re: Thread split
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2005, 09:42:48 PM »
Sorry to say Skater and Smokey,Clipz had absolutely nothing to do with you guys getting brought that all on yourselves,by calling the female members of GT very rude and unnecessary names.the web page was part of it,whoever was involved Skater is taking the excrement for it cause he was the listed poster,so ya can stop the blaming of others and for once just take responsability for your own actions


  • Stingray
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Re: Thread split
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2005, 09:58:18 PM »
Uhh clipz you moronic idiot.

The WHOLE gt incedent was over you crying. AND NOT once did i say skater made it.

You kept asking me in private messages and what did i say??

I dont know who the intercourse made it so be quiet.

ty clipz

clipz had nothing to do with you 3 getting banned from GT servers.  What got you banned was acting like children.

smokey.  You where on VENT laughing about the page that skater made.  You even said that skater made it. 
You have acted very childish toward allot of GT except the people that have any real control.
BTW, you being banned had very little to do with you saying poop to my wife (Wicked) or calling her a very *friendly* person on IRC(which happened AFTER you got banned).
***edit    very *friendly* person should be read as " s l u t "

skater.  Wow...I can't believe you made the page, then wont even admit that you did it.  You treated the admins like crap behind their backs, but then played nice when PiCaSSo was around.  I've observed this several times.
What really surprised me is that YOU were caught cheating....denied it....then called the admins all sorts of names after the demo of you was posted.  THEN you were re-accepted into DP after you admitted to it....when hardly anyone outside of GT knew the other poop you pulled (the name calling as explained above). are guilty by association (from what other admis told me...not my words).  Snipen banned you because he just doesn't like the way that you act 2-faced.  I have only seen some of the 2-faced actions you have done, but the more I've let it pass, the more that you have really shown how you really feel.

I have brought to the attention the post that Ironfist made RE: how to get away with cheating(and how to social engineer your way back on to the servers).  I feel that this is exactly what the three of you have tried to pull for quite a while.

clipz never 'cried' to the admins to better himself.  He was pulled into the discussion because he was one of the topics of the webpage that skater had allegedly made.  He told us what he knew, and that was it.  I stuck up for him because digi was being a complete A S S on VENT toward clipz.  I told Sharon what was said and digi was kicked.

clipz....your cheating was very dishonest.  Your admittance to it after the fact was less dishonest, but does not make up for the fact that you cheated.  I will talk to the GT admins about having you banned for the standard 30 day period as punishment (GT's policy...I believe).
I agree with what several have said: that you have gotten away with cheating....and that is not right.  You should be punished.

Loial.....buddy.....I usually agree with most things that you say on the forums.  You are one of the most honest and trusting person in DP.  Shame on you for laying into clipz and calling him fat.  That was not right, and disrespectful towards your team mates (as several of them are heavy set).  'nuff said. can you allow this sort of childish behavior to continue in the way that it has over the last several weeks?  Why have you not put a stop to it previously?

GT had a bad reputation last year (or so) for the constant kicking/view gibbing.  This sort of action has stopped.  Because of the outrage that the DP community had toward it, they have gotten a bad name.  It even got to the point that any kicking/banning would have been proof positive that GT admins were a sses.  For a long time the GT admins were very timid to kick/ban anybody for fear that they would worsen their reputation more then it already had been.  This enabled certain DP community members to take advantage of the situation, and get away with devious and childish acts.  (Funny....last year people complained that GT will kick people for no it's that GT will not kick anyone for anything other then offending other GT members.)
This fear is now diminished.  GT is no longer willing to put up with the childishness that has plagued the servers over the last year.  Regular kicking and banning will commence for ANYTHING that GT deems as offensive or counter-productive towards good and fair game play.
If you do not like this...too bad.  Think about the people that have paid for the servers.  Why should they put up with the bad behavior of others *in their own house*?

Its sad that this forum has become a major area for flame fests and mud flinging (insults).

« Last Edit: December 30, 2005, 12:50:11 AM by Derrek »


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Re: Thread split
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2005, 10:11:00 PM »
Derrek: might there be a chance GT would lay down some guidelines for kicking/banning? Instead of just "This is how it is, if you don't like it, too bad." You could actually hold something against the people that try to call certain admin rights abused. They would have broken one of the server's rules.

New idea from all this: give admins the ability to mute any verbally abusive players. That could get rid of a lot of kicks right there.

I'm personally going to try and avoid Graffiti at all costs. Stops conflicts such as these.  ;)


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Re: Thread split
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2005, 01:04:12 AM »
I deserve that Derrek. I apologize to clipz, and to any one offended in the community by my posts. I was out of character and hypocritical. Sorry.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Thread split
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2005, 01:44:40 AM »
clipz never 'cried' to the admins to better himself.  He was pulled into the discussion because he was one of the topics of the webpage that skater had allegedly made.  He told us what he knew, and that was it.  I stuck up for him because digi was being a complete A S S on VENT toward clipz.  I told Sharon what was said and digi was kicked.

LOL that time a few months ago?

That wasn't me. It was my african american cousin.

Shame on you for laying into clipz and calling him fat.  That was not right, and disrespectful towards your team mates (as several of them are heavy set).  'nuff said.


See, that's what I said.


  • VM-68
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Re: Thread split
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2005, 09:29:31 AM »
This is completely off topic... Clipz are you german? Your paragraphs are almost impossible to understand and you cant spell for excrement. It shows a big resemblance to how the germans type and spell. I dunno I just wanted to know.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Thread split
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2005, 11:07:38 AM »
i still say a global ban of clipz will solve all problems.