That's a very poor attitude AircreW, you don't need to be a 'pro mapper' to align your textures and put some better lighting in a map.
you've obviously put some more thought into the map than most novice mapmakers here (i mean, the map is lit for a start), and the number of textures that need to be realigned is pretty low from what I can see.
The red and blue DP logo signs are misaligned and a couple of barrels need to be realigned on the sides, thats about it from what I can see.
Also, you can get away with it on a map this small I guess, but its bad practice not to at least try and lower r_speeds as much as you can before releasing a map. The gl_showtris 1 reveals that a lot of your more complicated brushwork (barrels, columns, etc...) is splitting the poly's up unecessarily. try lifting them off the ground by 1 unit, or making them into func_walls.
You could do with an extra light in the side tunnels too, its pretty dark in there.
- Dr Rick Dagless M.D
edit - I totally missed the bad field errors, they DEFINATELY need fixing.