Actually, I'm curious as to what everybody thinks about the whole Georgia thing that happened-- I really don't know much about it, but what I have seen is that the Georgian government has done a fantastic job of literally playing the media, and now they seem to have the sympathy of most of the world.
My saying in this matter is probably not the fairest, because when georgia became democratic and said "intercourse off russia", then estonia supported georgia, because we were in the same position in the early 90's.
Few years ago georgia was russias puppet. Then the revolution was made and country set their sight to europe and nato. In some winter (2006/2007 maybe), when there was really cold weather, russia turned off the gas lines supporting georgia, and told that they will turn them on, if georgia would pay a quadruple price or whatnot. This was because russia is a piece of excrement (their politics, not its people) and wants to control everything.
This time, russia said they are "peace keepers". Lol like yeah, then skater is a good boy.
What I've seen is the following: Georgia invades South Ossetia, friend of Russia, then Russia rolls in to stop it
South ossetia is part of georgia. By invading to south ossetia russia breaks the rules of sovereignty of georgia. By what i have read from interviews with people, who were in georgia, it seems that regular ossetian people have nothing against georgian people and vice versa. If some ossetian rebels yell that georgia is harrassing them and everything sucks without russian help, then i wouldnt believe it.
I haven't really seen any fallout from Russia propaganda in the news or otherwise, perhaps just because Georgia got there first.
Well, georgia got everyones sympathy 1) when they became democratic 2)when russia intercoursed with gas lines 3) when russia provoked the war.
You should see russian media. I dont have many russian channels, which i can see, but on some talkshow where they talked about the war, they showed russian boys with short pants who were helping the elders and giving food and blabla and georgian army who were shooting and bombing.
I believe if you ask a random russian, then he would believe that russia has done everything right.
Oh and, about who started the war? Russia claims "GEORGIA, GEORGIA", well d000h. Of course they started it. But who gives a intercourse. Those south ossetians, russian puppets, provoked them hard enough, to get russia to save them all.
Oh and 1 more thing. Russia told that the reason why they are peace keeping is because there are many russia citizens in south ossetia, which is true, and they must save them. Well, that smells like 1939 and nazi germany... (think czechoslovakia)