If they do make a new team color it would have to be implemented into NEW maps, not old ones. Unless they remade them. If someone reamade ub_cliff or ub_4cliff with all teams it would be hard because when making the map it would be in the shape of a pentagon and everything would have to be angled perfectly. And the teams are fine the way they are, adding a new team would only make it harder on people. If a map used all teams it would only throw players off. If there was only 20 people on a map like that then each team would get only 4 team members.
Kaos I understand that It would be nice to have different colors for colorblind people, but that might be a little... um... bad because if there was a new team most of the maps they would play wouldn't even have that team. Maybe there should be a feature for palette change instead.
Ooh, I'm going to get started on that right now.