Video Unrelated, but cool: had an internet GF for two years right before I started playing DP. We got together playing trivia and scrabble on MSN ChatWorld. She told me she had cancer and would only live a few short years. We both became trivia game hosts and chat monitors together on MSN. She would never let me come see her EVER cause she claimed she looked so ill from the chemo and all. She spent over 60K in gift to me in those two years. One Thanksgiving I told her I didn't care how she looked or anything else, I was coming to see her and there was nothing she could do to stop me. Trapped in a corner, in a breakdown of hysteria and tears, she had no choice but to confess, "Keith, remember how I've always told you I was really sick and only weighed like 90 pounds?" "Well I AM really sick, but I weigh more like 380 pounds."
Well Christmas was coming and I certainly couldn't ruin it so I assured her I didn't care, but I couldn't come see her because I was in shock. After I received my kick ass car stereo, power amps, sub woofers, and brand new kick ass PC, I told her it was too much for me to handle and to never call me again.
Never heard from her again.
So, don't listen to what people say, THERE ARE GIRLS ON THE INTERWEB, they can just sometimes be huge deceiving walruses.
pic unrelated