Author Topic: Weird WinXP Issues  (Read 4888 times)


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Re: Weird WinXP Issues
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2008, 05:37:29 AM »
If you remove it and reinstall it ( from device manager) does it say the make/model of the device/chipset?


  • Autococker
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Re: Weird WinXP Issues
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2008, 05:25:03 PM »
Holy crap.  I just need to redo the end of the ethernet wire.  >.<

Apparently the wire is in bad shape.  It looks fine, but if I move it around the looping stops or starts, depending on the position.  :P


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Re: Weird WinXP Issues
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2008, 08:49:12 PM »
gj on finding that error.  It happens more than you think.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 277
Re: Weird WinXP Issues
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2008, 02:05:29 AM »
i'm no expert, but i think i've had a similar issue. what i ended up deciding was that my issue involved write caching and power loss/crash. messed up my index, and excrement hit the fan from there. you try to do chkdsk and defrag, but it only makes it worse. reformat should clear it up, which you did, and it did. just writing this as a warning measure. write caching works to clear up the bottleneck at your hdd, but without a ups and/or sys restore it can seriously take your data to a near irrecoverable state.

someone tell me if im off base.



  • Stingray
  • Posts: 69
Re: Weird WinXP Issues
« Reply #24 on: October 22, 2008, 04:10:05 AM »
Well I was having an issue but have resolved it, However I'll go ahead and post the problem and the fix I found after hours of trying to fix it. This may help someone else.

My external hard drive which works off USB stopped working or should I say stop being  recognized when I connected it , it said device unknown and not recognized or something like that. This happened after an update so I tried to uninstall what I had installed but that didn't work. By the way it works on my other PC.

Here's most of the stuff I've tried to do to fix it, but didn't work:

Uninstall USB Drivers, then reinstall ( Good thing I keep a ps2 mouse and KB around)

Repair from Boot CD ( Later did a complete fresh reinstall which was supposedly another fix for this LOL total BS)

Uninstall/Reinstall device drivers (like this was going to work, but it was worth a shot)

Unplug computer for an hour (  Again I knew this was not likely to work , but someone said it worked for them.)

Try different USB ports (Just in case)

Smack it , knocked it , Smack it again (Was about to drop kick it... LOL)

Delete all USB VID_ entries in the registry (they reinstall on start up, and this is supposedly the fix for mass storage devices according to Microsoft. YEAH RIGHT)

A really long and pointless list of commands in CMD that Microsoft said should fix it.(YEAH RIGHT  AGAIN)

Left it alone for most of the  day, then tried again later (It helps to clear your thoughts.)

After removing and reinstalling all that, I figured out that the USB2 Enhanced host controller was the problem.

I had always had  an unknown PCI device in the device manager but I guess the update installed drivers for it , it was the PCI to USB controller.  I disabled it in properties and all of a sudden my computer recognized my USB hard drive.

 Glad I found it I was about to try a BIOS upgrade and then I would have to reinstall windows.


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Re: Weird WinXP Issues
« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2008, 06:49:00 AM »
Might want to try a bios upgrade anyway.

Also, if you go in to device manager and just remove all of your usb hubs and such then reboot, most drivers will reisntall and reregister.

PITA still.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 69
Re: Weird WinXP Issues
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2008, 07:04:12 AM »
PITA  wtf are you hungry ? making a sandwich with that pita bread? LOL I'm kidding and yes  it would be !

With a Bios upgrade windows has to be reinstalled correct? If you have your drive imaged could you use that after a bios update or not?


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Re: Weird WinXP Issues
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2008, 07:20:09 AM »
No, the only time you would truely need to reinstall the OS is if you changed motherboards and the chipsets were different.

ie.. going from an intel 845 chipset to an intel 945 chipset.

Bios upgrades are safe.


  • Autococker
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Re: Weird WinXP Issues
« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2008, 09:38:49 AM »

On a side note.  How does that stay on wikipedaia and not the DP page?!


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 69
Re: Weird WinXP Issues
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2008, 03:12:17 PM »

On a side note.  How does that stay on wikipedaia and not the DP page?!


Also I knew what it meant reread my post


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 277
Re: Weird WinXP Issues
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2008, 04:11:32 PM »
I forgot to mention to always check with the hardware first. Too many times its the case that the issue lies in the hardware realm and changing software configs trying to fix an issue will only compound the seriousness.

Repeated issues that cant be solved through simple software manipulation should be attempted inside the case. Ground yourself with a wrist strap and start pulling cards/cables, especially those related to the problem. Knack mentioned pulling RAM and switching positions, which is pretty well known as  a potential fix for many erratic RAM issues. Usually involves mismatched RAM pairs. Another simple fix for obtuse issues is HD cables, either it being of wrong type (speed) or using a cable for two IDE components when only using one. If you have a single of the same type, use that. Otherwise make sure the device is plugged into the last connection.

I've had a lot of issues with heatsinks/chips overheating, not catastrophically but enough to cause errors of a wide variety and hard to pinpoint. Makes you think you have spyware/trojan. My video card will often have issues to degree of freezing DP within seconds of loading. Totally seems like a software/driver issue, and thats how I chased it for a long time. Went around almost arbitrarily changing settings. Turns out it was purely hardware, a combo of the AGP Slot and the cards fan/heatsink. The fan/sink is inadequate and easily clogs with dust, the slot is lifted too far off the m.board making it easy for large pieces of debris and dust to coagulate in there.

Thats just one of many similar situations which has lead to my comp having its own regular (every few months) maintenance schedule. Pull all easily accessible cards/cables. Clean and remove as much dust as possible, examine all cards/boards components (capacitors/resistors/inductors) for burn marks or any physical signs.

Be careful when doing this stuff though, if done wrong can be much more harmfull than beneficial.
 - Wear a grounding wriststrap,
 - Stick all cards in their own static free plastic sleeve (the mirror looking bags),
 - Be gentle with any physical connections, especially the cables. Those tiny wires inside can be broken with little effort
 - DONT USE STANDARD BRUSHES TO REMOVE DUST, you'll create tons of static and probably ruin many devices. I use compressed air, either in an aerosol can or from a vacuum with a "blow" option tiny nozzle. Then use a ShopVac or room airfilter on the end you push the dust and crap towards. It should catch most of it. Not doing this last step will leave you with most the dust still in your computer case ready to resettle and the rest floating around your room for the next week or two until it goes back into your case.
- Better than all this is to just seal your computer and have all fans pointing out. Have one end with more airflow than the other, aka two fans pointing out in back and only one pointing out in front (don't forget the powersupple fans.) Negative pressure systems work great at keeping out dust, but they have to be sealed well.

wow, what a ramble. im done.

p.s. - snipen, please remove trev from your mask ban/firewall. another good person banned for little reason, being forced to stop playing because of a ban.
