i went to bed early tonight and had a dream about quake live.
except i had more guns to choose from.
it was like i was the character in the game, yet i was still using a keyboard and mouse to control myself. somehow.
i do remember having a really weird gun (dunno where the idea came from) that really wasn't much of a gun... basically there was this little purple wavy squiggle thing that showed up at the gun's muzzle when you held the trigger down, and if you held it near someone's face for a second then the person would "contract" that little purple wave ("contract" like contracting a disease) and it would show up in front of their mouth while asphyxiating them. so then they would pass out on the floor for a certain amount of time (which i wasn't sure of even in the dream). i used it as a silent way of ... shall we say... neutralizing my unsuspecting victims (mostly people that would have screamed and alerted my real enemies to my presence).
oh and i did have the rail gun
and i used it.