Author Topic: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas  (Read 13082 times)


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2008, 01:43:20 AM »
oh just realized the days before chirstmas part....yea a better time to host this tourney would be in the summer...when all us kiddies r out of school and sports


  • VM-68
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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2008, 10:39:12 AM »
Dude i like this idea !!!!!
It would be sweettTTTTttTTT
Nice contribution Wink

isnt this how tournaments are normally ran with dp?
I dont know never entered in a dp tournament


  • VM-68
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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2008, 12:39:40 PM »

I dont know never entered in a dp tournament

I dont know what you are trying to say there. But there have been previous tournaments run in the past.

Like Nubs MIni Tournaments. Those were the excrement.


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2008, 01:40:22 PM »
do more nub do more! =D


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2008, 03:39:19 PM »
Should have asked about interest in the DP comunity before securing resources.

But thats JMHO


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2008, 04:21:58 PM »
Should have asked about interest in the DP comunity before securing resources.

But thats JMHO
Well of course he set it up cuz he's wanting to get those "donated" systems for free... ;)        It's win-win, only for him :P     He pays room rent with entry fees and station renting for players, and gives the leftover as prizes. He pays nothing, he gets free stuff outta the deal ;)

We would get to pay entry fee, rent comp space, transportation, hotel cost, food. I doubt the winners would come out with much profit.

Don't get me wrong, its a good idea, just executed poorly without thinking of all the players.


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2008, 05:23:59 PM »
Well of course he set it up cuz he's wanting to get those "donated" systems for free... ;)        It's win-win, only for him :P     He pays room rent with entry fees and station renting for players, and gives the leftover as prizes. He pays nothing, he gets free stuff outta the deal ;)

We would get to pay entry fee, rent comp space, transportation, hotel cost, food. I doubt the winners would come out with much profit.



  • VM-68
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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2008, 09:14:29 PM »
i was just wondering how the tournaments normally ran. Are the done in person at a set location like wax is trying to setup or done over the web like i mentioned? Just wondering how past tournaments have been setup basically.


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2008, 01:13:30 AM »
honestly an1 with half a brain would have this canceled already. first of all you confine with fellow players of all that are willing to come. its DP until it gets bigger you don't do that kind of stuff lets improve our negative attitude in servers then think about showing it off better to the public.
you will get that hotel some stuff waste your own money and have 2 people come. cancel it.


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2008, 03:14:07 AM »
hey now.... if you wanna talk about negative attitudes, ya might want to work on your own first .... talking about "anyone with half a brain" ... please try to think of a kinder way to say things, cuz that wasn't called for.


  • PGP
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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2008, 03:52:45 AM »
Okay just so everyone knows I havn't been on hiatus or ignoring this post.  I've been reading what everyone says and so now I guess I'll back track and do what I should have done in the first place.  The ball is already rolling but I will stop and ask.  Is anyone interested in even coming to this event?  So far all I've seen is a negative attitude towards a positive goal.....I realize most of you are underage, poverty strictened, or just bitter towards the world and seek refuge behind a 21" LCD screen.  For those of you though however that are interested, enjoy playing DP (not someone who pubs and the entire time while playing moans about how terrible the game is), and want to meet some of the community please send me a PM on here and let me know.  Also just because you guys think that most of this "community" won't be there; I'll have you know I have quite a few friends that I LAN with regularly that do play DP.  However you probably don't recognize any of them by name, just like you didn't recognize me and I have played since the games birth.  So my point of it is this tournament isn't just limited to people who post on this forum I already have financial support in the renting of the room @ the Hyatt, discounted rooms available to those that come to the tourny, and they also said they would cater for the day of the Championship.  As far as the computers, site, and other things they have been slow moving because of the discouraging remarks from the negative nancys'.  The site address is a address but I havn't done any arranging to it what so ever because I'm still waiting to hear from you and see who's interested in showing up besides me and my friends.


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2008, 05:00:06 AM »
good call garett


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2008, 05:38:40 AM »
You would get a lot more people if you got a server and hosted the tournament.  You have to consider when you make these, where everyone is in the world, what time of the year it is, etc.  If you get a fair amount of people going, good luck.  But tournaments are best held on servers, to help people that live in different countries play, even if the time of the year or the time its getting played at :P.  People can just sit down in front of a screen for however long the match is, then continue with their life.  You could then award prizes, just by mail or PayPal or whatever, just like a couple of other tournaments have done in the past.


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2008, 07:33:31 AM »
goal.....I realize most of you are underage, poverty strictened, or just bitter towards the world and seek refuge behind a 21" LCD screen. 

If you keep making condescending remarks towards the players here, you will get no where.  This isn't the first time, nor the second time, that you've done this. As a "long time player from the birth of the game" trying to get some more interest going, why do you still do this?

Good luck...


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2008, 05:04:19 PM »
hey wax, with the exception of what Knack commented on, your tone of voice on this thread has definitely improved, so kudos for that.

Also, I personally think I would really enjoy a real-life DP meet. But seeing as I've already shelled out $$$ for my trip to QuakeCon earlier this year... budgeting for another similar trip is gonna be a bit less likely to happen.


  • PGP
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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2008, 08:39:28 PM »
Well I apologize for my lude comment about those of you that took offense to it.  But frankly I have taken offense to the negative remarks I've received.  I also realize I won't get anywhere being a tool back to those just because of my bitterness so for that I apologize.  As far as hosting a tournament online, that sounds like a great idea and honestly one thought I never put into perspective.  I know a lot of the community is from overseas in Europe etc. and I like the idea of getting them involved.  The reason I chose to have the tournament so close to Christmas was actually supposed to be an idea to help towards the people that are still in school so they would be on their Christmas break and might have an opportunity to be there.  Granted most I understand will be doing family things so maybe that was a bad idea.  Nothing is set in stone that is why I've been asking about it all so soon.  If most of you would rather me try and setup an online tournament with prizes I'd be more than willing to talk to who I can about getting something setup i.e. sponsorships, and other things.  Vague has offered to help in setting up an official site for it all.  I also am interested in trying to setup a league for DP with different divisions and such.  That however I will need some support because I have a family and a full-time job.  I can do a lot of the support from work, but definitely not all.  If you are interested in helping please let me know about that.  So I can still do the LAN @ the Hyatt with prizes etc. & also I will be looking into some server hostings, and sponsorship for an online tourny if most of you would prefer that.  I appreciate all the feedback and will continue to work on my behavior because I know it has been far from courteous & respectful.  Thanks!


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #36 on: September 20, 2008, 08:56:39 PM »
hehe... just so you know, "lude" (which is properly spelled "lewd") means sensual, driven by lust, base, and vile. probably not exactly what you meant. ;)

anyway, i would love to participate in an online tourney/league.
you should probably know that there was an effort a while back to get a league going ... appropriately called "DP League" ... but i don't think anything ever really happened with that. I believe Smokey would be the one to talk to if you're interested in knowing more about what went on.


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2008, 09:28:30 PM »
ya, an online league is more along the lines of possible for everyone. Smokey had been setting things up quite well, but then just stopped, for whatever reason. So he would be best to get with for help with setup.


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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #38 on: September 21, 2008, 09:29:41 AM »
Vague has offered to help in setting up an official site for it all.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a DP tourny in Texas days before Christmas
« Reply #39 on: September 22, 2008, 08:32:04 PM »
no tournaments :(