I'm going to start a thread about new sound recording for the guns and whatnot. Mewa pointed out that the new recordings I had done were clipped and offered to edit some new sounds if I could provide raw recordings that weren't clipped. I'm just going to reply to his PM here.
first off let me offer my utmost respect. you nailed it. awesome recordings.
both being in true stereo and no longer clipping makes the guns sound great.
i'm now totally convinced that the disdain i and many others had for the newer
sounds was completely due to the clipping issues, and not some preference for
what was accustomed to.i cant explain how excited i am with these recordings.
next step (i wanna integrate these and get people using them asap)? whats your
criteria for samples used in game. single shot/short bursts/full auto? or all
three? can they be used in game as stereo, i kinda assume so but thought to
ask. out of curiosity, which do you like the best for a mag and cocker sample
(filename_time). let me know whatever steps need to be taken to get these ready
for release, (soundpack update?).
the only two suggestions i can think to offer up for future recordings are;
- there is some dc-bias (waveform isn't symmetrical, due to some inherent
voltage pushing it one way or the other) action going on. cool edit can adjust
for this, but if you can on the recording device it would be better.
- there is a intermittant soft meep sound in the background of some recordings
(autococker_dry_raw_-3db.wav). I've heard this before and its probably from
some computer processing or interference from either rf or powersupply stuff.
uploading the sound again from the recording device should clear it up.
once again, amazing man. makes me happy.
ps - feel free to make this and the other chats into a forum post if you would
prefer public input, or just prefer doing this stuff that way.
The sounds aren't actually stereo. The sound card on the laptop I used doesn't support stereo recording, I guess, and I haven't gotten everything straightened out to record on my new laptop (having issues with either vista, the drivers, or the sound card itself). That's not really important, though, as the sounds must be mono to be used in the game, anyway (the stereo positioning all depends on where the sounds are coming from in the 3D world).
As for criteria:
- Each weapon has 1 sound effect that it plays (with the exception of the automag and autococker, which have 2 sound clips for a little variation, so they don't sound too repetitive).
- Each weapon also has a dry fire effect (can't remember if the auto's have more than one or not. Might want to pick out two, just to be sure).
- Sound clip must fit within the firing rate of the weapon: Autos need to be 1/10th of a second or less. PGP is 1 second. Others are somewhere in between - all multiples of 0.1 seconds (I'll look them up as necessary. The firing rates may be documented around here somewhere. Those times will be the average - the minimum time between firing is rounded down to the nearest 1/10th of a second, and that's how long the clips should be, so they don't get cut short/overlap. This may require adding/deleting some from the sound to get it to fit well.
- Echo and background noise should be removed as much as possible.
- 16 bit 48khz mono .wav files.
Not sure what to do about the volume of the sound. Perhaps I could come up with a system that can scale up the volume of certain sound effects (or scale down the volume of everything else until all the sounds have been re-done).
I don't know if there's anything I can do about the dc bias, unless it's a software issue. I was having a big problem with this on my new laptop (the whole wave was sitting significantly below the center when there was little to no sound). I thought that was just the sound card on that computer, though. Maybe it's something with the pre-amp or mic and XP (or the drivers) compensated for it on my old laptop but not the new one?
I have NO idea what's up with the "meep". I've never had that in any of my recordings before. I was rather annoyed by that, but fortunately it only happened in a couple recordings. There should be plenty of sound clips to choose from.
As for which I like best - I haven't had time to really sit down and listen to all of the recordings and pick out something. From past recordings, typically the first shot in a group tended to work best as there wasn't as much echo being picked up.