
Is digital paint dying?

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Author Topic: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?  (Read 20683 times)


  • VM-68
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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2008, 01:00:02 PM »
People take this game WAY to seriously now. It's not as fun to play against clans who take the game too seriously. And if no one can accept one loss and admit it was a good match, thats no fun for anyone.

However, pubs are more active than ever, so its far from dying, but needless to say its not as clan oriented.


  • VM-68
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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2008, 02:20:26 PM »
i agree with you about people who take the game too seriously.
Match are bored cus of that.

But, maybe american's pub are active, but european's pub are less active than in 2007.


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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2008, 02:24:13 PM »
When i'm round you see about 3-4 active servers, end of story.  Its usually a jump server, a speed server and a couple of match servers.  Euros start to join servers around 9-10pm and the Americans when I'm sleeping :P.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2008, 06:22:06 PM »
supermans pub usually has got like 10 ppl in there

some ppl r in the er33ts pub


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 217
Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2008, 07:33:18 PM »
Either way the game is doing pretty friken good for being free. Its not like jits has the unlimited funds to shell out and throw a series of massive promotional events like the ones you would see for Gears and Quake. So far i havent seen jits charge 1 dime for any part of pb2 despite the amount of time, energy, and funds needed to keep it going. Remember if you want sparkling graphics and that sparkling evolution autococker its going to cost money. If you want the game to grow then stop complaining about it and contribute like the rest of the Admins, Mods, Developers, and Mappers have done for over a DECADE. If you dont feel like getting involved in the community thats your issue. Just dont complain when a FREE Community Driven Game isnt adding up to the latest Playstation release! If you can do better then do it. A free game hanging around over 10 years shouldnt be hard to top. <-Ranting my apologies.

-Im betting $20 as soon as the winter kicks in full till there will be a higher player count because everyone is spending more time indoors. Remember spring and fall are the 2 seasons everyone does there running around and activities. (at least in pa) Give it another month.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 149
Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2008, 03:17:07 PM »
IMO It won't die for a long, long time.

But it ain't going to get much bigger, either.


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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2008, 05:39:50 AM »
supermans pub usually has got like 10 ppl in there

some ppl r in the er33ts pub

Maybe if servers had decent admins / maplists the servers wouldn't die every time a garbage map came on.  You can see this every day.  A server will be full of people then BAM....  Midnight2.   Everyone leaves.  Well except the high pingers that barely know how to play.   Whenever i want to play there is always at least 1 American server with people in it.  I usually try to persuade them to go to my server to avoid the bad map scenarios...  I usually have no problem getting my server full and keeping it full.

Matching has gotten a lot worse over the last little while, but I am seeing many new clans every time i play.  They may not be good enough to match some of the better clans, but give it time.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 351
Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2008, 09:47:07 AM »
The problem with the new clans is that they never stay together long enough to get to the higher levels.  Or they just aren't organized enough to get on irc and make a name for themselves.


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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2008, 04:26:30 PM »
Maybe if servers had decent admins / maplists the servers wouldn't die every time a garbage map came on.  You can see this every day.  A server will be full of people then BAM....  Midnight2.   Everyone leaves.

Please provide some feedback in this thread as to why you think Midnight2 is a garbage map, and what can be done to improve it: http://dplogin.com/forums/index.php?topic=2206.0

From what I've seen, it's the garbage maps that usually keep the servers full - a box with some misaligned blocks for bunkers will have lots of players, then when a well-constructed, elaborite map with more than one path and/or takes more than 5 seconds to reach the enemy flag comes up, the server clears out.  I think there's a conflict of interest in a lot of cases.  Some people want to play small, plain, simple maps where they can start shooting at the beginning of the round and not stop until it ends 3 seconds later, and other people want something a little more - some decently built maps where strategy plays a role.  Group A clears out as soon as a map that appeals to group B comes up, and group B rarely plays because all the maps in rotation are designed to appeal to group A.  Then there are the servers that play the same 3 maps over and over again because they're kind of a middle ground.


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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2008, 04:47:10 PM »
No offence Jitspoe.  Your maps are probably some of the best made maps out there.  And best looking imo.  I was just using midnight2 as an example because I've seen it happen over 100 times.  You are right that different maps appeal to different people.  As a server admin I can honestly say nobody has ever asked me to do midnight2 next.  This is different in matches though.  I remember midnight used to be a very popular map for matching.  It does have good gameplay.  Too bad barely anyone cares about gameplay in matches now it seems. 
They would rather camp for 30 minutes on blitz, than have to move.
  But generally in public servers people like to play the maps that you call garbage.  They might not be made perfectly but people like to play them.  And in public servers this is what is important. 

I'm just telling it how it is.


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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #30 on: October 21, 2008, 02:56:31 AM »
Whatever essence this game had about matching, strategic manouveures, playing in a clever way  is dying. Thats the only aspect thats dying, whereas the idea of camping around in speed servers to get max kills, or haveing 10 second rounds is flourishing as I guess playersfind that part more exciting and more fun. The maps people prefer to play are fast paced, quick, for example blitz ; its a great map but people dont play it as it should be played. The community needs to promote matching and strategic maps, as if we dont the matching scene will have a very limited amount of playing.

And I totally agree with SuperMAn.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 376
Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #31 on: October 21, 2008, 06:45:23 AM »
Please provide some feedback in this thread as to why you think Midnight2 is a garbage map, and what can be done to improve it: http://dplogin.com/forums/index.php?topic=2206.0

From what I've seen, it's the garbage maps that usually keep the servers full - a box with some misaligned blocks for bunkers will have lots of players, then when a well-constructed, elaborite map with more than one path and/or takes more than 5 seconds to reach the enemy flag comes up, the server clears out.  I think there's a conflict of interest in a lot of cases.  Some people want to play small, plain, simple maps where they can start shooting at the beginning of the round and not stop until it ends 3 seconds later, and other people want something a little more - some decently built maps where strategy plays a role.  Group A clears out as soon as a map that appeals to group B comes up, and group B rarely plays because all the maps in rotation are designed to appeal to group A.  Then there are the servers that play the same 3 maps over and over again because they're kind of a middle ground.

As far as I'm concerned, you nailed it right there.

The split between maps that were obviously destined to be popular and maps that actually have depth in gameplay is widening as the churn of the active mapping community starts to reflect the modern trend of speed-server style maps being favoured far more than any traditionally more complex maps. This isn't too surprising, the fast maps have much more instant gratification and its not like the jump physics, etc... don't lend themselves to a sense of twitch gaming. It just isn't a very satisfying experience for me. It also lowers the quality of those players who do 'grow up' with such a selfish style of play as they are far too immature for the clan scene; new clans rarely have any cohesion as the members play like individuals instead of a team (provided the clan even has an assertive leader to direct them who doesn't have the exact same deficiencies) and without any consideration to stragic play whatsoever.

The loss of the clan scene is a shame and should be stopped. However, it seems the only people who will miss it can't help but be almost totally dissuaded from doing anything (like banding together with the surviving 'pro' clans and perhaps trying to relight the clan scene with regular matches, or something) by the inanity of the proportion of the community who don't respect the gameplay values of the matching scene and make pub play pointless and boring (see the previous server-clearing discussion).

I think UnRateD's comment of 'playing in a clever way is dying' is probably right, but it saddens me that people aspire to play in a stupid way.

- Dagless M.D.


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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #32 on: October 21, 2008, 09:35:36 AM »
If WHAT!! keeps making sick CA maps, this game will be dead in no time.


  • PGP
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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #33 on: October 21, 2008, 03:08:01 PM »
It's getting bigger but some people have multiple accounts. Some of the old players should come back and start playing again :)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 217
Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #34 on: October 21, 2008, 04:47:49 PM »
This idea worked in a real life situation a few years ago so i figured id throw it out there.
This is also based off an up and running tournament series or league.

What if there were a few tournament brackets that slightly differed from each other according to playing level and style? All of the newer players would be starting off in the Beginner bracket with a slightly lower elim time eventually advancing to Novice throwing in a longer elim with a few extra rules and settings like friendly fire. Eventually players would then advance up to Pro where they will find the Core Clans with a harder rulebook and server settings.

To help entice players to move up in the ranks prizes would also differ from level to level giving the better prize packages to the higher ranks. Granted the beginners “newer clans” wouldn’t get the fancy stuff but that might be enough incentive to get there foot in the door and climb the dam ladder. At the very least the newer players wont be getting stomped in 5 seconds leaving competitive play as bad taste in there mouth.

"Trendy Players" that enjoy the bedlam of a speed server would be more inclined to jump in on a tournament sporting a 20-30 elim time with no friendly fire than tournament sporting a 2 minute elim.

I do understand there are differences between real life and a game but as I said its just an idea


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 149
Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #35 on: October 21, 2008, 05:33:47 PM »
..I like midnight2.



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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #36 on: October 21, 2008, 05:58:28 PM »
From what I've seen, it's the garbage maps that usually keep the servers full - a box with some misaligned blocks for bunkers will have lots of players, then when a well-constructed, elaborite map with more than one path and/or takes more than 5 seconds to reach the enemy flag comes up, the server clears out. 

Unfortunately as long as map makers pump out these worthless maps and server admins keep putting them up on servers, the issue will always be there.


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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #37 on: October 22, 2008, 12:16:13 AM »
Unfortunately as long as map makers pump out these worthless maps and server admins keep putting them up on servers, the issue will always be there.

And if they weren't there the pub scene would be as dead as the matching scene.  It is sad but these terrible maps are keeping the pubs alive.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 144
Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #38 on: October 22, 2008, 11:14:15 AM »
It is sad but these terrible maps are keeping the pubs alive.

Really sad.
So pubs servers are alive.

But what about matches?
Can we say Digital Paintball 2 is not dying on pubs servers, but is dying about match?
Because, my team is inactive today, but when we try to find match to play, it's like impossible to find one fastly.
Impossible to find euro teams, there are not really many teams alive or active
I'm not sure about americans teams, but this is not same issue?

Hope you will understand me :p


  • Autococker
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Re: Digitalp Paintball 2, dying or no?
« Reply #39 on: October 23, 2008, 08:30:35 PM »
It's getting bigger but some people have multiple accounts. Some of the old players should come back and start playing again :)

ill be back soon and all your worries shall be forgoten

;) =D and ive seen snipin on  every few chances i get to play nowadays seems like the old is coming back.