the thing is pink, ive asked for input from the beginning, and have been given complaints. i would be more than happy to do this(possibley on a regular basis) if there was more effort put out by others. i think it would be fun, in the 3-4 years ive played, i have never seen a single tourney actually happen. yea 2v2 isnt the most desired tourney, but thats wut i want to strt with. i thought the 2v2v2 to decide the final 2 teams would be dif and fun but no1 seems to be interested. i have maps in mind, y suggest them though? to get shot down? intercourse that lol. i even offered to design a map that would fit 2 teams o 2 comfortably without it being a box and allowing players to use strategy, but no1 willing to map it. this was just an idea that didnt work out.