Author Topic: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?  (Read 14337 times)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 249
Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2008, 10:19:26 PM »
I say... Stick to a clan. When you're with a clan for so long... You build up a great relationship, sorta like love :D.
You get use to how they play and what not. You laugh at the losses and wins. uR has lost some players, but the main ones have stuck it out. It's only been a year and 18 weeks for uR's life.  But I can see this clan going on... till the end. Dang.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 448
Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2008, 11:55:46 PM »
many new plyers dont know what the clan scene is or offers.

maybe make a video displaying the superior skills of some clans to both show new players th kind of talent they can work toward, and it will show them how the clan scene wroks.

promotin the way a real match would also help. large servers and speed servers dont realy promote the clan scenes strategic, teamwork way to play this game.


  • Autococker
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Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2008, 01:10:09 PM »
I say... Stick to a clan. When you're with a clan for so long... You build up a great relationship, sorta like love :D.
You get use to how they play and what not. You laugh at the losses and wins. uR has lost some players, but the main ones have stuck it out. It's only been a year and 18 weeks for uR's life.  But I can see this clan going on... till the end. Dang.



  • VM-68
  • Posts: 249
Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #23 on: December 24, 2008, 01:19:45 PM »
Bix, shut the hell up.

There were reason's why I left. Not being active while I was - was the main reason. Talk excrement much?
« Last Edit: December 24, 2008, 01:52:44 PM by capo »


  • Map Committee
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Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #24 on: December 24, 2008, 03:15:05 PM »


  • Autococker
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Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #25 on: December 24, 2008, 04:33:31 PM »
I was simply pointing out that you contradicted yourself in a hippocratic manner. You make a whole post about staying with one clan for a long period of time, when you've recently been hopping around.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 217
Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2008, 10:57:26 PM »
Some sort of vid or guide would be a good idea.
Going over things like communication, basic gameplan, & working off each others actions in addition to shooting stuff could help out quite a bit. Some of the newer players want to learn they just need a nudge in the right direction. Hell there are a few regular pub players (not in clans) that catch on to the whole recon thing after a while!


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 376
Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2008, 09:24:27 AM »
vague, there are guides here on the forums and resources on places like The DP2 Resource which have been around for a long time. No-one bothers to read them though. People like Lekky and DT put in a fair bit of effort writing these guides, I'd like to think proactive beginners will find them useful:

Lekky's New Clan Guide

How newbies can integrate into the clan community

QeHs Clans article compilation

Oh, and Bix, I think you mean Hypocritical.

- Dag


  • PGP
  • Posts: 18
Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2008, 02:48:52 PM »
I remember the days of organized tournaments in dp. A well organized tourny every now and then gives clans incentive to practice but its people who talk crap during matches and bloat afterwards that ruins them.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 645
Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #29 on: December 29, 2008, 10:37:57 PM »
I say stop flaming the new guys, I scene 3 clans die before I left with decent players in it, that split up cause they was told they suck and they wanted to be apart of a better team. Encourage more of staying togetherness and fellowship and maybe the clan scene will rise a little.

Capo misses me, NO HOMO. I been in uR for a while and the  other clans I been in I was loyal to, such as, The Great {DeW} clan I stuck with them even when we was the most hated clan in the game, ]vA[ basically a name change for uR. PM and iRON i was just helping people out.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1372
Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #30 on: December 30, 2008, 12:31:48 PM »
Not having posts like this could help too.

Topic pretty much says it all, contact me via irc or post here. You most likely will not get in.


  • Map Committee
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Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #31 on: December 30, 2008, 05:36:56 PM »
atmays, I'm pretty sure your clan broke up because two of its main members had conclusive evidence brought against them for using aimbots and then they tried to deny it.

It did make for some superb idiotquotes though.


  • Map Committee
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Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2008, 12:56:42 AM »
edited out!


  • Autococker
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Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2008, 03:27:38 PM »
First thing first. Atmays, could I introduce you to loial? You two share much in common....

Next, I do want one more member for 3iob, and trust me...many people want in.  The chances of them getting in are very small.

Third, I'd love to see demos of me flaming new guys...(or atleast I think that is what atmays is saying after reading his post).

I cannot help but to agree with DT, the clan scene is coming to it's end...and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

Finally I cant help but to say this. Garret, I dont even know who you are..i've never seen you on irc, a pub, or a match. Yet you are in our committee...

EDIT: I just looked through the members of the DP committee. Not only do I not recognize all of the names, but MOST of those people are inactive. Of that whole list I only see Justinph5 on irc or pubs. Maybe it is time to redo that people that are active.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1635
Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #34 on: December 31, 2008, 04:13:51 PM »
Just cause you dont see them dosent meen there inactive, They might not match alot, they can still pub. half of dp doesnt use irc, which is why theres not as many matches, Then the half that do match, if they send out a scrim request while another clan doesnt have the people on, they seem to think everyone is scared or randomly going afk when they want a match, And face it, To all the people who talk during games, there is an ignore all, but still expect people not to want to put up with it... and not match you as often. Hopefully somebody comes up with a brilliant idea to make the clan scene grow, but its just about dead with an active 3-4 clans still playing. Same faces, Same maps...


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1372
Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #35 on: December 31, 2008, 05:02:51 PM »
First thing first. Atmays, could I introduce you to loial? You two share much in common....

Next, I do want one more member for 3iob, and trust me...many people want in.  The chances of them getting in are very small.

Third, I'd love to see demos of me flaming new guys...(or atleast I think that is what atmays is saying after reading his post).

I cannot help but to agree with DT, the clan scene is coming to it's end...and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

Finally I cant help but to say this. Garret, I dont even know who you are..i've never seen you on irc, a pub, or a match. Yet you are in our committee...

EDIT: I just looked through the members of the DP committee. Not only do I not recognize all of the names, but MOST of those people are inactive. Of that whole list I only see Justinph5 on irc or pubs. Maybe it is time to redo that people that are active.
Been busy the past to months.  Having a life sucks...  I still pub when I can. 


  • Map Committee
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Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #36 on: December 31, 2008, 05:45:20 PM »
First thing first. Atmays, could I introduce you to loial? You two share much in common....

Next, I do want one more member for 3iob, and trust me...many people want in.  The chances of them getting in are very small.

Third, I'd love to see demos of me flaming new guys...(or atleast I think that is what atmays is saying after reading his post).

I cannot help but to agree with DT, the clan scene is coming to it's end...and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

Finally I cant help but to say this. Garret, I dont even know who you are..i've never seen you on irc, a pub, or a match. Yet you are in our committee...

EDIT: I just looked through the members of the DP committee. Not only do I not recognize all of the names, but MOST of those people are inactive. Of that whole list I only see Justinph5 on irc or pubs. Maybe it is time to redo that people that are active.

Not in your timezone bucko. I'm usually always pubbing it up.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 585
Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2009, 12:08:54 PM »
First thing first. Atmays, could I introduce you to loial? You two share much in common....

Next, I do want one more member for 3iob, and trust me...many people want in.  The chances of them getting in are very small.

Third, I'd love to see demos of me flaming new guys...(or atleast I think that is what atmays is saying after reading his post).

I cannot help but to agree with DT, the clan scene is coming to it's end...and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

Finally I cant help but to say this. Garret, I dont even know who you are..i've never seen you on irc, a pub, or a match. Yet you are in our committee...

EDIT: I just looked through the members of the DP committee. Not only do I not recognize all of the names, but MOST of those people are inactive. Of that whole list I only see Justinph5 on irc or pubs. Maybe it is time to redo that people that are active.

You don't have the slightest idea how screwed up my computer is due to viruses and malware. Just getting a browser to open is a task that takes about 15 minutes for my computer to process. Actually opening mirc or DP2 is completley out of the question until I get this mess sorted out. Then I can guarentee that I'll be on more. Knack showed me a handy link how on how to fix it, so I'm working on that, oh and speaking of work I have a job now and when I'm not working I'm either trying to fix my computer, sleeping, or doing homework. You may think I'm not worthy to be on the committee but whenever I get a chance(or a browser to open :P) I'm on voting and giving my input on topics. Thank You and have a nice day.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 720
Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2009, 12:10:24 PM »
Ok, so half our committee is active...


  • Autococker
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Re: Ways to make DP clan scene grow?
« Reply #39 on: January 01, 2009, 12:11:26 PM »
Are you including me in that group?