Author Topic: Knack as Global Moderator  (Read 16808 times)


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Knack as Global Moderator
« on: January 16, 2009, 10:26:54 PM »
First off this thread is not meant to be offensive or flaming, instead constructive to the wellbeing of the DigitalPaintball 2 forums. First off I would like to ask simply what Knack does for the community. Next I would like to know why he is a Global Moderator. I realize that he is an 'authority figure', but why? Knack doesn't pub. He is on IRC but it is essentially pointless since I have tried to contact him multiple times with no replies. He appears to just read the forums and discuss without fulling knowing the context of the discussion.

Looking through some of the threads in this section I have came to realize that 50% roughly of the threads are locked (idea originally found by Mewa). I made a thread about navyseal hacking, the thread was constructive and there was no flaming. Within about 2 hours it was locked and moved to where the committee can deal with it.

It just seems that Knack is patrolling the forums in a way that is not needed. He contributes very little, if at all, to the community other than the fact that he locks nearly every thread...constructive or not.

Once again, this thread is not meant to be offensive or flaming. Simply to discuss why Knack is a Global Moderator, and what he is doing productive.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2009, 10:29:07 PM »

^ Knack's most common post.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2009, 10:33:41 PM »
Let's respect the old-timers.

Snipen, Picasso, Sharon and Sandman should be mods too.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2009, 10:44:36 PM »
how are you smokey? I MISS YOU!


  • VM-68
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2009, 10:56:24 PM »

In before lock.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2009, 11:22:08 PM »


  • Autococker
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2009, 11:22:32 PM »

I don't think he should be anything to this community, other than just a regular member, just like everyone else.  


  • VM-68
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2009, 11:25:59 PM »
I am going to agree with this.
When I saw the forum post about Navyseal, I wanted to add some input but the thread was locked up before I could do anything. I understand sometimes if it is getting out of hand. In my eyes the forums are more for the opinion of the community more than anything.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2009, 11:38:15 PM »
I am going to agree with this.
When I saw the forum post about Navyseal, I wanted to add some input but the thread was locked up before I could do anything. I understand sometimes if it is getting out of hand. In my eyes the forums are more for the opinion of the community more than anything.

I think you really summed up my point with your last sentence. "In my eyes the forums are more for the opinion of the community more than anything." I believe Knack is, in many cases, preventing this from happening.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2009, 11:39:31 PM »
Too many topics are being locked, that's for sure and no one can argue differently. Opinions need to be expressed and not repressed before everyone gets their input in. Maybe having knack as a global moderator should be looked at again. Sure he's been around a long time, but is of no asset to this game or community anymore. You either play, or help, and he seems to be doing neither.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2009, 11:49:46 PM »
Thanks Spook, different words that are helping to convey the same message.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2009, 02:48:12 AM »
I cant believe im saying this but, I agree with bix, now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap. Reason being when I go to respond to Vicious. After stating:

"Things don't get done because basically nobody who wants a feature is willing to step forward and work on it themselves. You cry, "new engine!" - why don't you go and find a suitable engine, see what would need to be changed to let it support DP, and start adapting it. The problem has nothing to do with "people who only play once every year" saying no, and usually for a good reason, it's because people who want features don't want to have to work for them."

Well I will respond to that now. Who says im not working on a better engine and trying to fix it up to support DP. I have talked to many of players about this. Before I HAD to go to Air Force Basic training I was on all the time working with kaos looking at engines. Thinking of ways to mod it and such. If I had the time it would have been done. Also not everyone can code and do the things that they would like to see. Can you at least PM me and tell me what you mean by " people who want features don't want to have to work for them."

Is you suggesting us kiss jitspoe ass or something? Like I stated some people dont know how to do the things they ask for, thats why they are asking.

But ANYWAYS I agree with bix.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2009, 04:10:59 AM »
I'm actually stunned. It's posts and replies like this that make me just want to leave this community to rot in the ignorance and squalor it's so fond of.

Who in this thread so far is a productive member of the community? Sure, there are one or two old names, but who actually does anything useful but whine? no-one. Until you children get a grasp on what it takes to organise and moderate a community of this size, for no reward (and apparently no gratitude either) then just don't even think about commenting on it.

Atmays, I agree that I was hoping that thread would continue for longer seeing as we had some good posts, but I completely understand why it was locked, as I imagine this one will be. Simply saying 'I'm not flaming' doesn't mean you aren't making personal attacks. And frankly, your comments about improving the engine is worth nothing - what do we care unless you have something to show for it? No-one is going to say 'atmays is a really constructive member of the community, let's make him global moderator because he thought about adding some stuff to the engine but was really busy'.

Knack isn't just a regular member, the hours he's put in moderating this forum and everything else earn him the right to some respect. When you kids grow up, I hope you'll come to acknowledge what this kind of effort is worth.


- Dagless M.D


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2009, 05:05:17 AM »
+11 let's start a riot :)


  • VM-68
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2009, 05:51:54 AM »
I'm actually stunned. It's posts and replies like this that make me just want to leave this community to rot in the ignorance and squalor it's so fond of.

Who in this thread so far is a productive member of the community? Sure, there are one or two old names, but who actually does anything useful but whine? no-one. Until you children get a grasp on what it takes to organise and moderate a community of this size, for no reward (and apparently no gratitude either) then just don't even think about commenting on it.

Atmays, I agree that I was hoping that thread would continue for longer seeing as we had some good posts, but I completely understand why it was locked, as I imagine this one will be. Simply saying 'I'm not flaming' doesn't mean you aren't making personal attacks. And frankly, your comments about improving the engine is worth nothing - what do we care unless you have something to show for it? No-one is going to say 'atmays is a really constructive member of the community, let's make him global moderator because he thought about adding some stuff to the engine but was really busy'.

Knack isn't just a regular member, the hours he's put in moderating this forum and everything else earn him the right to some respect. When you kids grow up, I hope you'll come to acknowledge what this kind of effort is worth.


- Dagless M.D

Well said!  Dagless, your statements sum up exactly why I choose not to post here much.   ::)


  • Autococker
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2009, 08:11:24 AM »
First off this thread is not meant to be offensive or flaming, instead constructive to the wellbeing of the DigitalPaintball 2 forums.

Even that you say that it is still offensive.

First off I would like to ask simply what Knack does for the community.

...ur kidding me right?...

Im not anyone to talk since im just a noob here...but still...even I can see that knack does more than enough not to have these atacks.


  • Autococker
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2009, 09:04:40 AM »
I'm actually stunned. It's posts and replies like this that make me just want to leave this community to rot in the ignorance and squalor it's so fond of.

Who in this thread so far is a productive member of the community? Sure, there are one or two old names, but who actually does anything useful but whine? no-one. Until you children get a grasp on what it takes to organise and moderate a community of this size, for no reward (and apparently no gratitude either) then just don't even think about commenting on it.

Atmays, I agree that I was hoping that thread would continue for longer seeing as we had some good posts, but I completely understand why it was locked, as I imagine this one will be. Simply saying 'I'm not flaming' doesn't mean you aren't making personal attacks. And frankly, your comments about improving the engine is worth nothing - what do we care unless you have something to show for it? No-one is going to say 'atmays is a really constructive member of the community, let's make him global moderator because he thought about adding some stuff to the engine but was really busy'.

Knack isn't just a regular member, the hours he's put in moderating this forum and everything else earn him the right to some respect. When you kids grow up, I hope you'll come to acknowledge what this kind of effort is worth.


- Dagless M.D

I actually do like your post Dagless. So far the people who have posted are active people of the clan scene who wish to see it prosper. You most likely do not see that side of the game because you don't participate in the clan scene.

Knack does something for the community, that is for sure. Although, it seems he is almost counterproductive with all the locked threads, bans/tbans, and removed threads. The basis for this thread is to examine whether knack is truly benefitting the forums, and on a larger scale, dp.

Dagless, I am grown up and I realize he is moderating the forums. I just personally do not believe it is being done in the correct manner. I also do not believe he needs respect when he locks/removes 50% of the threads when they have to potential, never pubs (as far as my knowledge), and is hiding on IRC. I say he is 'hiding on irc' since I have tried to contact him in many instances with no reply. 

Even that you say that it is still offensive.

...ur kidding me right?...

Im not anyone to talk since im just a noob here...but still...even I can see that knack does more than enough not to have these atacks.

Idias, I also like your post as it draws up several good points. I often believe that the line between offensive and constructive is often blurred in these forums. In many cases Knack sees to take the offensive side which thus becomes counterproductive. Which is hindering the potential that these forums could be much more constructive. We all know Knack's presence on the forums, but outside of that what does he do? He is active no where but on the forums.

Furthermore, I appreciate feedback from both sides of the issue. Remember, THIS IS CONSTRUCTIVE, NOT OFFENSIVE.

EDIT: Made some grammar changes to prevent me from looking like an idiot as many people do on here.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2009, 06:45:05 PM by Bix »


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2009, 10:02:02 AM »
I no longer participate in the clan scene because a) it's degenerated into mostly nothing but fly-by-night newbie clans who endlessly leave servers before the scorelimit in some weird childish effort to claim they didn't concede a loss, b) there weren't really many clans good enough to give us a regular run for our money other than er33t at the time, c) we all have other priorities than playing computer games. My clan is [-DarkP-], which may have been before your time - we entered the first PBCup as 2B0 with Pureblood from MeMi and Nhan from GT and took second place to er33t. So please don't insinuate I don't know anything about the clan scene in this game.

That aside, point C is the important one to note in this discussion. It's the reason Knack and anyone else who contributes to this community's effort should be valued, and also the reason why I assume you and your supporters are not mature individuals (which may be wrong of me, if so I apologise). No-one with a family, a job, or any other commitments gives their time to something like this nonchalantly. If they do, it is an act of generosity worth recognising, only those who are at school (and so have lots of spare time) or the unemployed might not realise this distinction.

I don't doubt that those contributors are active in the clan scene and would wish to see it regain popularity, but what measures have they taken to achieve that goal? If we return to the now locked thread about 'How to make the DP clan scene grow', all I see is a few interesting and constructive posts mixed in with a huge amount of garbage, including you being banned for a week. If you want to be constructive, why not take a leaf out of QeHs's book and go out of your way to promote training teams, regular matching and training sessions, good relationships with other clans, etc...

But instead, you'd all rather just contribute mindlessly to a thread which is supposedly not out to cause offence - how do you think Knack will feel when he reads this? especially after the time he's spent cleaning up after endless dimwitted posts which make this forum such a drudge?

- Dag


  • Autococker
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2009, 10:03:47 AM »
Idias, I also like your post as it draws up several good points. I often believe that the line between offensive and constructive is often blurred in these forums. In many cases Knack sees to take the offensive side which thus becomes counterproductive. Which is hindering the potential that these forums could be much more constructive. We all know Knack's presence on the forums, but outside of that what does he do? He is active no where but on the forums.

Furthermore, I appreciate feedback from both sides of the issue. Remember, THIS IS CONSTRUCTIVE, NOT OFFENSIVE.

I agree with you in that point, but the fact that Knack is just active on the forum is irrelevant.
I stand up to the fact that you have a point in some things...but this is still an offensive thread. I mean one thing is to try and solve problems  in a constructive way...but the way ur putting things is an attack to Knacks job in this forum!

-I Rest My Case-


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2009, 10:06:55 AM »
Moderating the forums isn't a reward or priviledge for helping out the game or clans that play it, it's a job in itself. KnacK can no longer play the game because he now uses satellite internet which results in unplayably high (~600) pings. So, he chooses to help out by moderating the forums and website. Recently, more topics have been locked than usual, but generally that is from the nature of the discussions, not the moderator. I do agree that the current moderation policy is a bit harsh on regards to locking topics instead of banning users and removing posts, but everyone makes mistakes, and it's a lot easier to lock a topic than pruning posts when the workload is as large as it has been recently.