Author Topic: Knack as Global Moderator  (Read 16804 times)


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2009, 10:15:54 AM »
After what ViciouZ said I only have on thing to say...Lock it (And this is a justifiable case to lock a thread I think)


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2009, 12:10:58 PM »
Dagless, you're not around much at all to say anything.  Don't come into the thread saying you're going to leave the community and whatnot, leave it if it's so "terrible".  Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

idias, i'm pretty sure you have no say in this either, you haven't even been around for a month.

Bix, I'm still agreeing with you 100% on this, I could watch this forum and run it better than KnacK could.  As a matter a fact, why not let mewa moderate the forums, he's on this game 24/7.

Yes the mewa comment was sarcastic, but not the 24/7 part.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2009, 12:21:20 PM »
It wasn't a threat, the point I was making is that it makes me (and I imagine any other proactive member of this community) just think you ingrates aren't worth a second thought when we've all got better things to do. The fact you're goading people like Knack, me, Viciouz, etc... to leave the community because of your godawful attitudes just stands as testament to the ignorance abound here.

- Dag


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2009, 12:39:33 PM »
ViciouZ has summarized the reasons behind what Knack does pretty well, so I'd just like to add a few things:

1. He is/was a moderator on another forum with 80K members, hence he does have administrative experience.
2. Genuinely good person, isn't a people pleaser/seeking power, he really wants what is best for this game, the perfect replacement for Fryth.
3. Quite helpful, but only with those that are willing to learn and don't show signs of laziness and/or being asshats, he challenges them to be better.
4. Obvious game experience, no need to go into that, he has a record, but that's not the only reason he's a mod, having a reputation built up is the first step to being an influential leader.

And no, before you use it against me too in an attempt to discredit this entire post, I'm not active in the matching community anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't care about it or wouldn't stop someone that was trying to make it worse. I thought Knack should be a moderator before he was one, and the reasons listed above were just as true then as they are now.

I would like to ask if you agree with this statement:
Because Knack is inactive, he does not fully understand the situations the threads discuss, therefore he only sees the negative sides, and locks them.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2009, 01:44:39 PM »
It would seem Knack is a moderator because Jitspoe trusts his judgment in that capacity. I doubt any other reason matters.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2009, 04:53:37 PM »
idias, i'm pretty sure you have no say in this either, you haven't even been around for a month.

Where do you get those facts? I come here at least 3 times a week or more...just because i don't post doesn't mean im not here.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2009, 05:30:51 PM »
hi all i dont come here lots of a friend of idias and he told me the thing...for what ive read in the past comments ...actually i never met knack  at nowone to talk about this im just gonna do what im suposed to do in this forum...i far as ive seen..that knack isnt rlly up to the job of bein global moderator..i know that maybe i dont have right reasons as i said im just judgin by what i saw till now.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2009, 05:31:50 PM »
Moderating the forums isn't a reward or priviledge for helping out the game or clans that play it, it's a job in itself.
 So, he chooses to help out by moderating the forums and website.

But i do agree with viciouz... i mean everyone does makes mistakes...
and i Believe that moderating this forum isnt a joke... i
« Last Edit: January 17, 2009, 06:30:23 PM by painted »


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2009, 06:25:13 PM »
well one thing ill have to agree on is its a forum this is what its made for why lock the thread? forums are made for people opinions negative or positive. that way we can get to know the attitude of the people that play in dp. dp forums is supposed to be our gossip channel.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2009, 06:32:37 PM »
why lock the thread? forums are made for people opinions negative or positive. that way we can get to know the attitude of the people that play in dp.

I tottaly agree except in the gossip channel part... but yes if moderators keep lockin threaths then this wouldnt be a forum where ppl express their ideias...that way ppl could only say what moderators wanted them to say


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2009, 06:51:46 PM »
Its extremely hard to moderate a forum. To distiunguish between those posts/threads that are legitimate, and those that are offensive or a waste of time. I think we should remove "Knack" from the equation and talk more about the processes and rules regarding what should be locked and what should not be locked. I myself may not agree with how the forum is moderated, but I can symphasise with the rigours of the role.

I think this thread would be better suited with a forum moderation focus, rather than what seems to be a personal attack, even if this wasn't originally the goal.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2009, 07:00:56 PM »
I no longer participate in the clan scene because a) it's degenerated into mostly nothing but fly-by-night newbie clans who endlessly leave servers before the scorelimit in some weird childish effort to claim they didn't concede a loss, b) there weren't really many clans good enough to give us a regular run for our money other than er33t at the time, c) we all have other priorities than playing computer games. My clan is [-DarkP-], which may have been before your time - we entered the first PBCup as 2B0 with Pureblood from MeMi and Nhan from GT and took second place to er33t. So please don't insinuate I don't know anything about the clan scene in this game.

That aside, point C is the important one to note in this discussion. It's the reason Knack and anyone else who contributes to this community's effort should be valued, and also the reason why I assume you and your supporters are not mature individuals (which may be wrong of me, if so I apologise). No-one with a family, a job, or any other commitments gives their time to something like this nonchalantly. If they do, it is an act of generosity worth recognising, only those who are at school (and so have lots of spare time) or the unemployed might not realise this distinction.

I don't doubt that those contributors are active in the clan scene and would wish to see it regain popularity, but what measures have they taken to achieve that goal? If we return to the now locked thread about 'How to make the DP clan scene grow', all I see is a few interesting and constructive posts mixed in with a huge amount of garbage, including you being banned for a week. If you want to be constructive, why not take a leaf out of QeHs's book and go out of your way to promote training teams, regular matching and training sessions, good relationships with other clans, etc...

But instead, you'd all rather just contribute mindlessly to a thread which is supposedly not out to cause offence - how do you think Knack will feel when he reads this? especially after the time he's spent cleaning up after endless dimwitted posts which make this forum such a drudge?

- Dag

I never insulted you not knowing about the clan scene, you just simply are not up the times as I indicated. Furthermore to you Dag, I was banned from the forums for simply indicating a truth that many people agree upon. That the committee members in many cases are not as active in DP as they should be, they see what Knack leaves on the forums. Almost like if a jury only saw one point of view of a case, their decision would be altered. Finally on this post Dag I would like to talk about what you said about how Knack would feel when he sees this. Not only has he been ONLINE during 3 posts I have made on here, he was online when I made the post. I know he has seen this post and I would love for his input since this thread is about Knack, or forum moderation as lekky indicated.


This post will be a bit more candid. Once again I want to touch upon the line of offensive and productive. Most of the discussions on this forum DO offend someone, but are meant to be productive. Where Knack sees this line I cannot control, but he often seems to see nearly every post as offensive. I understand he is trying to make the forums a better place but locking everything that is along the lines of productive/offensive isn't correct.


To P!nk. This whole post isn't about being active in the community and that was not my intent. Although it does have a great influence on the thread. To be someone with power you should understand and know the context of the situations.      

"I would like to ask if you agree with this statement:
Because Knack is inactive, he does not fully understand the situations the threads discuss, therefore he only sees the negative sides, and locks them." -P!nk.

Yes, I do agree with that statement nearly fully. Although I feel, being candid, that Knack is abusing his power on these forums. I am just simply expressing my feelings. There are no forums rules and I believe they should a place to express both negative and positive feelings, as Vlad said.


Lekky, I would love to remove Knack from the equation. Although, Knack = moderation. We can start to use the term 'moderation' since they equal the exact same thing. If the thread is not racist or a personal attack, I believe it should not be locked.

EDIT: Knack was online as I typed and posted this post and is currently online right now. REDUNDANCY


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2009, 07:14:38 PM »

Leave knack alone people.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2009, 09:05:05 PM »
dp forums is supposed to be our gossip channel.

That is where you are wrong.  Jitspoe pays for the server that hosts these forums, and he can do whatever he wants with them.  He has appointed Knack as global moderator because he thought Knack was well fit for the job.  End of story.  I honestly don't think they (Jits, and the global mods) even care about what anyone thinks when it comes to moderating practices.

If I were a mod, I probably would have locked this thread by now.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2009, 09:15:53 PM »
In no way shape or form did I post to say knack was a bad person or moderator. He has did a few things with the clan scene also, remember servers for InT? Knack is a great guy. My issue is just and only the threads being locked, that is my only problem, can't speak for the others. I can't say I do a lot for this community, but I can say that when I was active I was helping new clans and players, learn specifics of the game and such. Its plenty of players that still play that I have showed the game. Since I joined the air force I haven't had time for anything.

To sum it all up, dag I agree with you bout some things. I'm not very productive in this community, I'm still a amature
 programmer, still learning. I myself probably couldn't mod these forums, but its not my job to mod the forums. I'm not looking to be mod, just gave my opinion on the matter that's it.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2009, 11:53:38 PM »
First off this thread is not meant to be offensive or flaming, instead constructive to the wellbeing of the DigitalPaintball 2 forums. First off I would like to ask simply what Knack does for the community. Next I would like to know why he is a Global Moderator. I realize that he is an 'authority figure', but why? Knack doesn't pub. He is on IRC but it is essentially pointless since I have tried to contact him multiple times with no replies. He appears to just read the forums and discuss without fulling knowing the context of the discussion.

Not to mention he deletes a thread in which i point out that he himself broke the rules of the forum.  Hiding something are we knack?
Looking through some of the threads in this section I have came to realize that 50% roughly of the threads are locked (idea originally found by Mewa). I made a thread about navyseal hacking, the thread was constructive and there was no flaming. Within about 2 hours it was locked and moved to where the committee can deal with it.

It just seems that Knack is patrolling the forums in a way that is not needed. He contributes very little, if at all, to the community other than the fact that he locks nearly every thread...constructive or not.

Once again, this thread is not meant to be offensive or flaming. Simply to discuss why Knack is a Global Moderator, and what he is doing productive.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2009, 11:54:20 PM »
^^^ meant to say not to mention he deletes a thread in which i pointed out how he broke the forum rules.  Hiding something are we knack?


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #37 on: January 18, 2009, 12:10:54 AM »
When I started this general conversation in the other thread it wasn't a personal attack, nor could it have been since there is no trail accountability of administrators. I'm not sure who does the most locking or control of the forums, but Bix seems to think it's Knack. He's been around a lot longer than me and I trust he has some decent reason to believe this. At the end of the day it's a confrontation to the moderators in general, and if Knack is the head admin then it seems logical he be held accountable.

I think a lot of these issues could be resolved or alleviated simply by providing some individual accountability. I was just banned for what I thought were incredibly appropriate post's. I couldn't stop laughing when I tried to come to the forums and received the message ~"sorry mewa, you have been banned from these forums. please see the post." Pretty simple solutions, when a mod locks a post or bans a player;

a.) The admin makes a reply in the thread stating the whys and possibly some insights into their thought process. you may not be able to convince someone of the validity of your action, but you might be able to allow them to understand how you got to that point.

b.) The admin sends the player an email copy (if there's one provided in their profile) of the last posting in the thread, which explains reasoning.

I'm almost certain this could releave a lot of the animosity felt by many people here towards the admins. Without this type of information the player is just left to the wheel of fortune the admins seem to spin. It doesn't give people a whole lot of hope to see a discussion they are actively posting in, or just very interested in, put on hold forever.

I think most of us realize that this game requires a degree of volunteerism to remain active, and those who can help out, do. But just because you give your time doesn't mean you're right. They're shouldn't be any free passes around here, but there seems to be quite a few. Seniority can count, but there needs to be some place to draw the line. These blanket statements saying essentially "anyone who I haven't known for 5yrs+ has excrement for brains and nothing to contribute to this game, let alone the forum" are pretty absurd and elitists. If you really thought this thread was hogwash you wouldn't be wasting your precious time refuting some insignificant opinions.

Zorchenheimer - I'm sorry, but this is a god awful idea. Are you suggesting that the admins lock a thread which discusses they're locking too many threads simply because they can, or don't want to hear this type of talk? Is this community so Stalinist that it can't handle a civil conversation about its authority figures? That would be a sad day and reeks of weakness.

Sure these servers are all privately paid and no one has absolute right to them except the money holder, but don't forget that this game is public. When you go into a store or a bar (pub) you are entering a private establishment, who can do w/e it is they please. If they don't want you in there, you will be excused. But few places are dumb enough to toss a sizable portion of its regular customers just because of a difference in opinion. The bartender might not like the drunks always complaining about the lack of music, but he's not giving them the boot for it either. Chances are he'd go buy a small jukebox to shut them up and keep them in his pub.

All this talk of drinkin, it's time I went to meet my friend Fleischman's and stopped thinking.


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2009, 03:49:27 AM »
 isn't it strange that knack hasn't retaliated to this unlike Mewa's thread O_o

(i would rather not join any side but i am against admin abuse.)


P.S paragraphs are so hard to read on a crappy dell lcd :D


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Re: Knack as Global Moderator
« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2009, 03:51:45 AM »
 Knack as a global moderator?

1. He is not a perfect global mod.
2. Nobody is perfect.
3. Knack is best for the job.

What irritates me the most is not the times when he locks some thread too quickly (some say), but those inside jokes (lol) with zorchenhimer (Hahahaha). It's really annoying >:-D