Honestly, this is a very silly ban.
Yeah, I'm 100% aware these textures have been noted as illegal, and people using them should get banned. The light barrels were noted as this.
So whats the problem?
There has NEVER been an official post saying these textures are illegal. In fact, many people use those barrels still. The only people who know are those who are regulars on forums (cause it's been said in a few threads) - or those who have msg'd Jitspoe about it. But, there has NEVER been any official post about it. He should have gotten a MSG saying: "If you continue using those barrel textures, you will be banned" -- Not just a ban as there's no OFFICIAL texture pack, and theres no OFFICIAL statement that these textures are bannable.
You can say textures that give an advantage are bannable - but in my opinion those baby coloured barrels don't give an advantage in the slightest. When everyone was using them, I always had the rusty barrels as I found them to give the most advantage while looking nicest.
TL;DR - Until there's an official texture pack or official list of bannable textures there should not be texture bans unless it is BLATANT BEYOND ARGUMENT. This is one of the more stupid bans I have seen. Shouldn't be a ban, wasting time that could have been better spent when a simple PM warning would suffice.
BUT GREAT STORY LINE - Those who don't actively follow forums to see little posts of: "you should change your barrels" - are screwed over because Jitspoe rather ban them then making a list of textures that are known to be bannable - or finishing his texture pack.
EDIT: The Ladder thread - him not wanting to use your textures doesn't mean he wouldn't change them to another legal pack. Not many people in the community like Jitspoes textures - and until he makes them OFFICIAL, there's no incentive to use them when better packs are around.