We're sponsored by Dye and practice with ironmen every weekend. Probably the reason we smashed last year and at phoenix. The team we lost to was 8 NXE guys from pro nppl so they put us out. 3-5 was their worst win, the rest were 5-1 and 5-0s.
Anyways jitspoe. By contract I cannot say that they are bad although...
I've had three of them since WC. For about the first two matches at cup they excrementted and didn't work too well. We got the internals replaced (i got a completely new one). They worked great and that is the version that is out on the market currently. Although about two weeks ago i got a prototype drive cone which has bigger gaps for the balls which stops the occasional jam from happening, but it feeds slightly slower (not bad since it went from like 50 to 45). I played all phoenix with no jams etc.
SOOOO, they jammed a bit before the drive cones..but now they are AMAZING. Fast, consistent, smooth..love it. so get one